[center][b]Lily[/b] - Garden[/center] She blinked when the boy came her way but still the smile kept to her face. She watched him throw a small demon at the other more... well prepared human. [i]Hm? What's that all about?[/i] For a moment, her mind was preoccupied with her curiosity over the trio. A human having a demon thrown at him by another demon? [i]How bizarre...[/i] She was brought back into reality when the boy spoke to her. [b]"My apologies for staring at you for so long, I was simply mesmerized by your beauty, mademoiselle."[/b] He spoke softly, a hand reaching in her direction. Surprised but not wanting to be rude, she took his hand and smiled. The smiled disappeared when her hand was brought to his lips for a polite yet tender kiss. She stared at him, her heart shaking. [i]He's just being nice. Calm down...[/i] [b] "Now that I've recovered from it, I felt an urge to speak to you. I'm Bael, may I have the honor of knowing your name?"[/b] He continued. She took a deep breath and smiled at him. [b]"Lily. Lily Brightendale."[/b] She replied, smiling up at him warmly.