Tony was rather taken aback by Loki's question. Why was he helping him? He wasn't sure that he really knew. It was a tough question and it really shouldn't be. He should have a proper reason to be helping Loki. Just something had told him to. Everyone deserved a chance? That sounded like something someone in a romantic comedy movie would say. So not that answer. That was just stupid. Goodness of his heart? Hah, no. Heat of the moment decision, maybe? Not a reason for trying to look after Loki really. Spiting SHIELD? Probably part of it. Though if Fury found out they would be totally screwed. He did not want that to happen. Definitely not. "Truthfully? I don't know. I really shouldn't... You threw me out of a window, almost destroyed New York and killed Coulson." Not to mention almost cause Tony's death. But that wasn't all that important really. "I guess it felt like the right thing to do?" Thor would probably kill him if he found out Tony had left Loki for the dead. He didn't want that. And if Thor had allowed Loki out of his cell then maybe he had changed? Tony didn't really believe that but he would see. Tony arched an eyebrow as Loki went on to talk about Thor worrying about him. "Of course he worries, he's your brother," Tony replied with a shrug assuming it was true. He was an only child so he didn't know. And he doubted he would have gotten on with a brother if he had one. Tony would never be able to settle for being second best. His ego wouldn't allow it. He was close to asking Loki what they had fought about, but decided against it. Loki probably wouldn't want to talk and the information wasn't exactly valuable. Gaining it wouldn't help anyone. Tony just wouldn't think about it. He didn't need any information. This was just him nursing Loki back to health then kicking him out, no strings attached. Or handing him back to Thor, or SHIELD. Former would be more likely. Tony didn't mind Thor even if they had come to blows when they first met. Thor had suddenly appeared and taken Loki, though. He almost found it funny how Loki looked at the pills in confusion almost as if he didn't quite understand them. He probably didn't, Tony kept on forgetting he wasn't from here. It must all be a bit strange for him, all the different technology and medicine and everything. Tony was sure that if he turned up to Asgard he would be just a little confused about half the things that were there. He doubted he would ever go to Asgard, though. Probably a good thing considering how well he had gotten on with the two Asgardians he met first time. "Okay, well then I'll find something. We have a whole library... I don't really read, inventing too often, but some of the Avengers enjoy it and made me add a library in to the tower for when they stay so then can read and stuff..." He trailed off realising he was going on a bit. Loki was reducing him to rambling. Weird. "What kind of books do you read?" Then Loki was back to Thor. Kind of weird how he kept on going back to the topic of his brother. Must be something really on his mind. If Tony had any way to communicate with Thor he probably would have by now and called him down. He would know how to look after much better... Well at least would know what Asgardians required when ill. Tony was kind of clueless, as per normal when it came to things that had nothing to do with technology. "Well, I'll try, but I doubt I would really be able to stop him. He does have that hammer of his..." Loki sure was set on telling Tony that he hoped Thor wouldn't show up. "And I wouldn't worry, Thor probably won't even consider you being here..." He watched Loki carefully for his reaction to that. "Not exactly the first place I would look."