Oona's mind wandered as the 2 people talked past her. this place was certainly interesting, there was an odd feeling to it, she wasn't sure what it was, sort of like when she was a kid and had refused to go to the pond with her mom when she should have and she started to get dry, but more pleasant, it was a very odd sensation. she suddenly realized she had been staring at the wall for the past 5 minutes, she blinked and looked at the 2 beside her Drow it seemed had gotten up and was now sitting back down, and there was another boy sitting next to them now. "sorry, i zoned out" she smiled, well i guess i ought to go find my roo..." suddenly random fruit related food landed on her head "what the hell?" she turned to see where it had come from, she saw the boy who had just tripped and something about him ticked her off, she excused herself and walked toward him, very angry "What Was That For?!" (your move Bunny ;) )