Not everyone could run into the fray, a screaming ocean of metal and blaster fire being meshed with clone blood. Some people had to stay back and coordinate. After all, this wasn't the only battle that was going to be fought, but there might be a way to significantly cut down the war. "Right...right...ok there's a it!" Echo was stowed into the back of his Larty with comm in hand, taking a knee so he could balance the equipment and just back far enough so the damn droids wouldn't catch him with a stray shot or worse, catch a bolt from friendly fire. "Weird name. Friendly fire. Not all that friendly when you think about it." Echo muttered to himself as he tried to lock onto the signal. To an onlooker it might seem like he was calm in this storm, but the truth was he was terrified. This was the first real combat they've seen. Sure there were accidents in training, the occasional clone sent to the ICU or someone losing a limb when training with the heavy mechanized equipment, but nothing on this scale. Men that he had grown up with over the past ten years dropping like flies, and there was little he could do about it. True, they were clones, this is literally what they were made for, so he might as well quit complaining and do his job to end this war as quickly as possible. Echo opened a comm to Striker Eureka and immediately started transmitting data. "Eureka, this is ground, separatists are planning on bugging out. They are moving en masse several clicks to the north. Recommend setting up forward command immediately and regrouping. It'd certainly make this the shortest war in galactic history, over." Echo said. While he waited for a response, Echo moved to the edge of the dropship and fired off his DC-15S. It was like shooting fish in a barrel in this kind of scenario, what was all that marksman training for anyway? One of the clones took a shot to the leg and went down about 10 feet from the ship. Without even waiting for someone else to take it, Echo lept from the gunship at the behest of his squad and grabbed the clone, dragging him back and forcing him on before jumping in himself. The Larty took off at that point, backing away from the sea of droids. The other clone was getting medical attention, with Echo's contribution being a fist bump on his shoulder plate. "Three legged race. You and me, champs." He breathed.