[center][img]http://d3qvyul2tp4j8.cloudfront.net/i/Vjk_YXUnps.jpg[/img][/center] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/5224/posts/ooc]IC/OOC[/url] | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/3986/posts/ooc]Interest Check[/url] [i]GMs: Mizuho CloudyDreams Bird[/center][/i] [i]In the 18th century, sea travel was at an all time high. With the discovery of the New World, many people were beginning to venture out into the stormy seas with different objectives in mind. Perhaps it's to conquer land and gain fame, have a new start, pan for gold in the New World, or pillage and plunder the plentiful ships foolish enough to challenge the pirates. One reason that has everyone looking towards the ocean, is the legend of buried treasure... Many stories of treasures call out the adventurous, and it's true that the discovery of such treasure will make you rich beyond you're wildest imagination. Yet one story stands out from the others. The real name of this treasure is forgotten, as it is an ancient tale. Now, it's known as The Touch of Midas. It's rumored to be the single greatest group of lavish jewels, gold, silver, and valuables. The ownership of such a treasure will easily make one the richest person in history. Not only that, The Touch of Midas is said to have been blessed with magic. According to legend, the finder of The Touch of Midas will be able to turn the tides, control the winds, bend the entire world to their will. Whether The Touch of Midas will be used for good or evil, is solely up to it's lucky discoverer. A divine being is said to have hid The Touch of Midas to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands... Due to the wealth and power one could gain from finding The Touch of Midas, many people are on the search for it. Many countries, including Britain, France, and Spain have sent people to go look for it. Many hopeful commoners have scraped money together to afford a ship to find The Touch of Midas. And of course, the pirates were scouring the waters as well. Will you join the hunt for The Touch of Midas? And thus, our story begins...[/i] --- Accepted characters should be posted here! --- [center][IMG]http://lh4.ggpht.com/-CGlRkoxcx70/USktNQPhYAI/AAAAAAAAAKA/_q6T18nI3ns/s640/15833-anime-paradise-stylish-anime-blonde-girl.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Name[/U][/B] Emilia Lewis [B][U]Nickname[/U][/B] Emi / Emily / Milady / Angel's Voice / Lady Emilia / Siren [B][U]Age[/U][/B] 17 [B][U]Gender[/U][/B] Female [B][U]Allegiance[/U][/B] Britain [B][U]Allegiance Faction[/U][/B] The British Royal Family [B][U]Role[/U][/B] Aristocrat to Captive/Damsel in distress [B][U]Personality[/U][/B] Emilia is a refined young lady with an air of elegance. Due to her noble upbringing, she is ignorant of the world around her, having spent most of her life within the higher branches of society. Her every action is graceful, the epitome of a classical beauty. She is a very kind and gentle girl for the most part. Her demeanor is quiet and obedient when she's among the people that are part of higher society. This beautiful girl is accustomed to having her way and has difficulty taking no for an answer. Conceited and spoiled, Emilia is outspoken and blunt when she's denied what she wants. With her education and wit, she has a very sharp tongue that she can and [I]will[/I] use when she is displeased. She is very used to not having to do any work, having many maids and servants to cater to her every need. As a result, Emilia is capable of being a leader, bringing people together and divvying up tasks. Fiercely loyal to the people important to her, the gentle lady is capable of being aggressive and stubborn when she's angry. Underneath her soft exterior, she hides a very strong will, holding fast to her beliefs. As a friend, Emilia is very charismatic. Her beauty draws in males and females alike, and her charm keeps them there. Back at home, she had no shortage of suitors. [B][U]Enhanced Ability[/U][/B] Emilia's voice is often referred to as the "Call of the Siren" or "The Voice of a Goddess". Not only is her voice captivating and beautiful, she has the ability to influence emotions and thoughts by singing, or at times merely speaking. However, her power isn't absolute. The stronger a person's will is, the easier it is for them to resist. Some people may in fact be able to completely resist. It's also possible to grow immune to her emotional manipulation. [B][U]Biography[/U][/B] Emilia Lewis was born to a very prestigious family in Britain. Her mother is the cousin of the King of England. Although it is very unlikely that Emilia will inherit the throne someday, the connection to the King made it possible for the Lewis family to live a lavish lifestyle. She grew up not having to do anything for herself, having many servants to wait on her hand and foot. As a young child, she was told to focus on her education and poise instead of mundane chores. This resulted in Emilia growing to be a sophisticated lady. Obviously educated and well-mannered, combine that with her royal connection and she has had many men running after her for her hand in marriage. Despite the privileged life she has led, she inwardly longed for a more exciting life. Often in her childhood, she would gaze at the port, marveling in the majesty of the various ships, wishing to be the one departing the country. She didn't want the boring repetition that all of the suitors offered, she wanted a thrill. She wanted adventure, something different from the repetitive mundane lifestyle that she led. Once she reached her teen years, Emilia's ability began to manifest. Her power spread her fame far across the world, and many people know who Emilia Lewis is, and the enchanting voice she has. [B][U]Likes[/B][/U] Getting her way, singing, adventure, herself, order, flowers, fancy foods, her popularity [B][U]Dislikes[/B][/U] Pirates, her suitors, boredom, predictability, not getting her way [B][U]Family[/B][/U] The King [B][U]Weapons[/B][/U] Her voice, wit/cleverness, underestimation, charm [B][U]Other Info[/B][/U] She has some knowledge of medical treatment. Never having lifted a single finger for herself, she is very frail for the most part.[/center]