[b][u]Crash[/b][/u] Crash grinned at Cyrus, as he agreed on his name suiting him chuckling as Cyrus played along with his jest. “As fun as it would be, old man makes me think of the parentels. So I’ll stick with calling you Cyrus” Crash decided, turning his attention back to Kathy as she answered his question. “Nice” He grinned at her. “Out of curiosity, what’s the schools view on the less dedicated students?” He asked, finishing off the plate of waffles. “Erm I’m pretty sure the only core I’m doing is science...apparently the only subject I ever got a decent grade on in the past” He shrugged at her. “P.E, Art, Theater and most definitely music! Can’t live without music” He smiled brightly. He looked up as Cyrus called to yet another white haired person across the room, calling him a Dragon Keeper? The term went completely over his head as he chuckled at Kathy’s comment about the hair colour. “Maybe it’s the new trend. I can see a young guy on the front of a dye packet with his white hair looking cool, and then when you open it up there’s an old guy on the back of the instructions with the words ‘Ha! Tricked you now you look like me’...” Crash cleared his throat cutting himself off, and adjusting his collar in embarrassment, he had been doing so well at keeping his insane thoughts in his head. “Sorry thinking aloud” He apologized, gripping his glass of unfinished juice. Crash looked over at Criston as he answered Cyrus’s question. “Just a wizard/warlock with the ability to fry people? Yeah, can’t think how that would interesting at all...” He commented, sarcasm lacing his words. “Don’t be modest, magic is a pretty awesome power to be able to tap into” He followed up taking a sip from his juice as he turned his attention back to Kathy listening to her power. A new softer smile crossed his expression as she lifted her hands to her face, he noticed the blush slide across her cheeks. [i]That’s kind of cute...[/i] He blinked before clearing his throat and changing his expression “Really? That sounds like a fun ability. There are like endless possibilities on what you could do with it. Don’t cut yourself short” He grinned, finishing his drink quickly figuring it was his turn to tell. “I’m a shapeshifter, nothing overly exciting I’m afraid, but it’s quite fun” He shrugged with a smile, glancing over his shoulder at the other white haired guy. “He looks really peeved, maybe it’s best if he didn’t come over here” Crash added. He sat back in his chair, stretching out his shoulders as Cyrus spoke to Kathy, resting his hands behind his head, his leg twitching under the table as if to a rhythm. His expression was thoughtful as he watched Cyrus turn back to Criston and ask him about playing music at the party tonight. “Hey Kathy, question for you” He announced, trying to catch her attention for a moment. “Be it a stupid one or not I’m still going to ask. Are you going to the party tonight?” He asked. “Just if you are, would you consider allowing me to tag along with you?” He added almost instantly after, before he was able to force himself to stay quiet. [b][u]Serena[/b][/u] Serena watched sunglasses carefully for his reaction. [i]Ok gobsmacked is a good start...[/i] Her ears flickered uncertainly as he straightened his back and marched towards her. [i]...oh crap...[/i] Her breath caught in her throat as he spun on the spot and she went rigid as he secured her in the most bizarre yet friendly grip around the shoulders. Her ears flicked back uncertainly and her tails coiled around her legs tightly, she relaxed when he announced his name. That was a step in the right direction...listening as he carried on speaking, she raised an eyebrow at what he said. [i]Wow three days in front of the telly? I’m not sure whether that’s impressive or not...[/i] Her right eye lightened in color a little as he tried to adjust his smile, easing her fear as he spoke. [i] Providing that’s the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers...that’s pretty cool[/i] She pricked her ears forward as he succeeded to create a less ‘serial killer’ looking smile, her lip curled a little in a hesitant smile in response. She waited until David had introduced himself, her smile becoming more comfortable as he told them about his computer addiction. “And I’m Serena...pleasure to meet you both” She finished the introductions off. [i]Are they expecting me to say a hobby?[/i] “I don’t think I’ve managed to watch television for more than 3 hours before being shooed away from it” She decided on being honest with them, her tails loosened from around her legs, sliding behind her and waving contently. “So...are you both new here?” She asked.