"Even the bloody INSECT is bigger then me!" Damakos mumbles as he cross the ship. After a couple of of minute of walking (and waving at any one he passes) he looks around... "This docent look quite right" he thinks to himself. "In fact isn't that the armory over there? Why would the dorms be near a armory?" Confused he asks one of the officers, and learns that he managed to end up on the wrong side of the ship. After thanking the officer, he sets of in the direction of the dorms. After a hour (or two. He isn't very good at keeping track of time) he finally sees the dorms. Surprisingly only to people are there (weren't there more people at the entrance?). Seeing that one of the two top bunks where open, he climbed to the top and calmed it as his own (there is a whole ritual involved typically, put the wolf was watching him, so he had to skip it.) and set down his stuff. After unpacking and making the nice bunk a compleat mess, he decided to start a conversation with his bunk bud (is that a good name for the wolf for now) until he was needed. But he hates waiting so he leaves for his post