Ryuu felt his grin widen even further. Everything was looking pretty good so far! If he didn't screw something up and make hell go loose around him, he just might be able to make his attempt in befriending someone in years actually work. He was, at the moment, unaware of the fact that he was walking to the cafeteria with his arms still wrapped around the two students. "Damn, dude!" Ryuu said as he shook David a few times, making sure that he did not shake too hard (the first shake was a little off). "Maybe I've already met you once, then! Ha ha!" Apparently, this "David" student was a computer addict, quite similar to his addiction for manga and anime. The insomniac part did surprise him, but he couldn't help laughing heartily at that part. His own reaction surprised him; if he were back at his middle school, he would have pulverized this person immediately. He would have pointed out how sitting in front of a computer was even worse than watching shows through a television, and maybe even take his lunch money. Thanks to his parents taking him out of that school, and his sister berating him like crazy when she heard of his bad personality, he realized that he himself was no different. He just needed to accept what others did, because that was what his middle school classmates did as well. [i]Damn,[/i] Ryuu thought for a brief second. [i]I really was an ass back then, huh? I better pay them a visit some time... with a preach about why no one should make fun of Asuka-chan, of course.[/i] The otaku was glad to have some time spent with his family, for while he was certainly held back from schools for a long time, having his mind cleared for a fresh start was not so bad after all. He still had those evil eyes, though. And the devil's teeth. Aaaaaand his awesome, but far too fiery love for anime and fighting. He needed to do something about those as soon as possible, though he was getting a feeling that he would be unable to change those. The fox girl introduced herself as "Serena." She seemed to be less intimidated by him, for sure, but he needed to keep being friendly as much as possible. If he acted brashly like he usually did, then his personality would never get fixed, and he would be in for another butt-kicking from his sister. She was pretty much the reason why he got the idea of befriending others in the first place, but to think that he would meet a decent guy (in his eyes, at least) and a fox girl who looked like a Magical Girl... He was already liking this academy, though he began to wonder how the teachers in his classes would act. Serena then asked him and the boy about whether they were new students or not. Ryuu blinked. He nearly forgot that he was a new student. [i]Well, I [b]did[/b] just meet a freakin' Mahou Shoujo, so of course I wouldn't give a shit about that right now![/i] The otaku finally noticed that he had his arms wrapped around them for quite a while now. Continuing to walk to the cafeteria, the student released them, a hand clenched tightly by his waist, his eyes just about to release plasma, as he said with excitement, "Ha... yes. I am new here. Very, [i]very[/i] new... and fresh. I'm so new, my mom bought me a new lightsaber! Oh, the things I could do with that thing..." Ryuu nearly giggled at the thought, though he managed to quietly laugh as if the world's most sadistic creature was planning something devastating. Again, he meant no harm on the two students next to him. After he calmed down, the otaku eventually reverted back to his mean-looking idle expression, telling Serena, "You should come over to my family's some time. It's funny how they allow me to watch anime for three days, yet they won't allow me to exercise in my own room anymore."