Well how about we just base the RP off of fairy tale when it comes to having a guild and quests and what not? Magic wouldn't have to be a necessity and we could ignore the rune system and what not. Basically you can have any type of character and abilities you want, as long as they aren't OP, they aren't unfair and you start at a beginner level? EDIT: there would be restrictions and what not of course, like endurance and the amount of magic you can cast. If your character uses a large two handed weapon it wouldn't make sense if they could use it like a dagger, or if your character was a fire mage you can't exactly cast dozens and dozens of fireballs within seconds. At least not at a beginner stage, which is where mostly everyone's going to start at I assume? These are just my suggestions though. We could totally not do any of this if nobody wants too haha.