[hider=Real Appearance][img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/006/2/c/Black_Phooka_by_SteampunkTyki.jpg][/hider] [hider=Human Form][img=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTNOqsH3ZgTo4r_400g90abpUAwRUhgI7WzGPHRn0t3cxsscjLOKw][/hider] Height and weight varies, but in his human form, he is 5'7" and weighs 150 pounds. Name: Pascal "Puck" Robbins Age: 17 (Actually 1300, but we can ignore that.) Gender: Male Species/Race: Phooka (Pronounced like Koopa, but with the consonants swapped.) Powers: [Shapeshifting] A Phooka can change forms between a human, horse, goat, rabbit, or dog, or any combination of these. While in human form, it is given away by either long, slightly curved horns, or large rabbit ears. In it's other forms, it usually has black or dark brown fur. [Fortune] Some see them as good luck, some see them as bad, but everyone will agree that with a phooka around, strange things are liable to occur. Puck has the ability to affect the fortune of himself and those around him. He can't directly control what happens, but it seems to be based somewhat on his emotions. If he likes someone, good things can happen to them. If he doesn't like someone, then there may be a mud puddle in their near future. Weaknesses: Whenever one person is lucky, someone else has to be unlucky. This leads to the belief that Phookas bring good and bad fortune with them. For example, with the above ejected spaceship part, some unfortunate spaceship pilot now loses their mission, and probably their job. Personality: To Be Roleplayed (But I'm leaning towards a wise, grouchy old man personality. To clash with his 17-year-old appearance, of course.) Background: Puck hails from northern Ireland, where he's lived for about 200 years. He was quite happy there, but staying in one place for that long draws attention. Sure enough, a group of young wizards came knocking on his cottage door, and Puck knew his time there was up. He narrowly escaped the hair-seeking juveniles, and made his way to [a town near wherever this school is located], where he heard about a miraculous school. Reading between the lines, as a mythical character is apt to do, he realized that it was no ordinary miraculous school, but a literally miraculous school, full of odd creatures like himself. Puck was a bit lonely after his many hermit years, and thought it would be a good idea to get into society again. He rented an apartment in that town, and in a few months, an invitation to the school showed up in his P.O, box. Study: Puck isn't really interested in studying, since a lot of the "mortal" subjects (Math, History, Science, etc..) in the place are already known to him. His goal there is rather to study other people, to have fun, and to add to his collection of memories. Character 1/3