Flynn called Orian back to him as he told Trex where the girl's were sitting. He grabbed his keys and looked at them for a moment. Orian was a good fighter but they didn't know what this celestial wizard could do. Without even thinking, he opened Pisces gate and smiled as the three spirits stood before him with what seemed to be no problem. He nodded his head at them, "Prepare yourselves.... I don't think this is going to be easy." Narsica looked up at the roof as it started to fall. She growled and grabbed the girl next to her and dragged her to the other side of the room, "It will... but if they will have the upper hand if we go out there. My magic is more strategic than anything. I can protect and fight but it is best used for communication during fights and battles or ambushes.... Not as good on the other side." She watched as more of the roof began to fall, "We'll have to go. We have hardly any choices at this point." She began scribbling in her book and the back of the barn gave way, allowing them to leave. She could only assume that the wizards were out front. Narsica looked at Maria, "Do your best to keep your spirit in the girl's mind... But if there are too many... Ryzo and Tye would be happier we fought and allowed the girl to awake verse the fact that we got caught by the Fairy Tail group." Orian flew down and grabbed Narsica's hair, causing her to yelp. Flynn looked at Trex around the back. The one without the book is the celestial wizard. Best we aim for her and she should hopefully have to take her spirit out of Zelia's head." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zelia gasped as the train around her melted into clouds. This was a dream and she really should expect anything but she was still surprised that the spirit chose clouds. Zelia flew between the clouds, half looking for the spirit, half looking around in wonder. She looked down to see the ground below her. Flying... She always thought of falling when she flew. She felt herself lower slightly at the thought. If this was what the spirit wanted her to see, she was going to allow her to steer her dreams. Maybe if she did, she could find her. She didn't want to fight this spirit but if she had to, she was going to. If that was what it took to wake up. She continued to call out to the spirit, "Hello... Spirit...."