[i]Zarnex Drako is let into the bridge wordlessly by the two Avians standing on either side. Once inside he would see that the bridge is not the center of all activity on the ship. A wingless dragon subspecies, obviously the captain, motions for Zarnex to come over. Just behind him is an black-and-red avian staring off into space through one of the many windows. As Zarnex approaches he glances over at him, raises an eyebrow, then looks back out at space. On his hip is a short sword, and he’s in the lightest tier armor. There is a small device on his left hip that Zarnex wouldn’t recognize. The Captain speaks up.[/i] “Ah, Zarnex, about time you join us. This here is Dreveden, he is an Ah’Kier assassin and he will be joined you and your team on your first assignment. Don’t expect much talking from him, but he’ll make sure you don’t do anything stupid. He has the authority to overrule you if he feels you are doing a poor job as commander.” [i]When his name is said, the avian simply waves a single hand to Zarnex, then crosses them again. After a few moments, he would turn his head to Zarnex for a moment, simply to say.[/i] “I will give your team a debrief tomorrow morning. Make sure they’re there.” [i]After saying this he gives a wave, dismissing Zarnex. --- As Vark Barcarus enters security, which he was likely directed to, he would find a smaller version of the armory with stun weaponry, instead of lethal. There is a Crocodile benching around 150 Kilos in the middle of the room, his uniform is pulled down revealing his absolutely ripped chest. From the colors of the uniform Vark can tell that this is indeed the captain. He finishes his set then sits up and looks over Vark.[/i] “Vark Barcarus. Areas B through C. Your gear is in locker number 15. Combination is One-Four-Nine-Six. Hop to it, your work begins now.” [i]After saying this he goes back to doing reps. The locker has one of those locks where when you set the four numeral slots to the right number it opens. Inside the locker is a uniform (Fitted to Vark’s size) a stun pistol, and a folded up map of the ship. At least they don’t leave you to find your post on your own. --- Agana would notice that the other bed in her dorm would have a bag under it, but no other sign of inhabitance. Agana Chambers would be met by the same crocodile.[/i] “Agana Chambers. Bridge and A1 through A15. Locker number twenty-seven. Combination Three-Five-Two-Seven.” [i]The locker would contain the same gear as Vark’s, but smaller. --- The Primary Cannon is effectively a long room running the length of the entire ship with a long cylindrical object going down the center of it. Col. Diva would be a dragon subspecies Divitian, about four foot three in height and is covered with pink scales. In her right hand is a datapad. At the time Felith finds her, she is directing a small group of insectoids on how and where to do maintenance on the cannon. When Felith catches her attention she dismisses them and turns to him, pad in hand.[/i] “Ah you must be…” [i]She glances down at the pad.[/i] “Felith, right? Hmph, if they keep sending me avians I’ll never get the right people to clean out the secondary warp vents. The damnable insects never do it right. Whatever. You see that line there?” [i]Diva points to the hazard marks on the ground around the cannon.[/i] “Don’t be there when the cannon fires, or we’ll be a crew member short. You wouldn’t be the first to do it, and you certainly wouldn’t be the last. You’re working at station E down there.” [i]She points generally down the left side of the cannon.[/i] “You’ll perform basic maintenance on the power conduit there, keeping it clean and all that. Only job I have open for a giant like you. Now off with you, I’ve got more important things to deal with right now.” [i]She waves him off, and checks the datapad. She looks up at Felith and growls, before jogging past him and yelling at some Insectoids that had just broken something.[/i]