Name: Real name: Dorrek VIII Fake Earth name: Theodore Rufus Altman Alias: Hulkling Role: Titan Brief Bio: On planets far, far from the Milky Way, a pair of planets have been waging a war for countless generations. The green, shape-shifting Skrulls, and the powerful Kree. The two sides had fought so long, only their elders even knew why the battle started in the first place. However, as this happened, a love began to bloom just of of the battlefield. A princess of the Skrull kingdom began to have a loving affair with one of the Kree’s best warriors. The two met in private constantly. Always extremely careful about their plans for doing so and explaining their absent moments from the others. The two began to talk about leaving their respective planets, fearing what would happen if their respective races found out, and agreeing to travel to the long away planet of Earth doing so. As they continued to plan however things took a horrible turn. The princess became pregnant, and it didn’t take long for people to realize who was the man to fertilize her. Both sides suddenly grew more hostile at the mere notion of this love. The Kree warrior was sentenced to be executed, and on the same night, the princess tearfully escaped her own people in a spacecraft. She escaped to Earth where she ended up needing SHIELD’s help in giving birth to Dorrek VIII. In exchanged they asked if she’d be willing to help in tests to learn more about the skrulls. She was hesitant but complied in thanks. Over time she became an assistant of sorts to SHIELD. Teaching them all about the various species of aliens out there and becoming their expert on the subject. Outside of her SHIELD work the woman now known as Michelle Altman raised her son Theodore in a Manhattan apartment. Privately she taught him everything she knew about being a skrull, though still struggled as Teddy also showed the strength of a Kree warrior. She made sure as he grew up to never be ashamed of who he was. Teddy grew up with the chip on his shoulder. Though was always a bit worried about how people would take to him, especially as he was in middle school and realized he was gay. He did end up with a boyfriend in a guy named Greg Norris. A star football player in his high school. However after dating for a while Teddy showed him what he was in reality, and Greg left him immediately calling him a mutant freak. Soon after, still reeling, Teddy met Billy Kaplan at a comic book trade show. The two hit it off immediately. Becoming a loving pair, especially after they both realized what they were capable of during the days when all the adults vanished. Now SHIELD has recruited the two for the Young Avengers project. With the both of them ready and willing. Abilities: Hulkling’s powers stem from his biological mother and father, a Skrull princess and superpowered Kree warrior. The skrull half of himself gives him the ability to transform his appearance, size, and shape. This can also affect his strength if he increases his mass. Typically in combat Hulkling will create foot long claws on his hands and wings on his back unless the situation calls for something else. Along with all this, Teddy’s skrull powers allow him faster recovery time from injuries, as well as his body subconsciously able to move important organs out of the way should he get impaled. As for Teddy’s Kree physiology gives him superpowers like his father, granting him super-human strength, strength that is actually mightier than a Kree or a Skrull, as well as super-human durability. Personality: A bit of a ‘tops’ person in his relationship, Teddy lives up to his nickname by having a sort of teddy bear demeanor about him. His very protective of friends and loved ones, but not afraid to start swinging if he feels cornered. All that said though Teddy is not only proud to be a superhero, and proud of his boyfriend being a superhero as well, but he takes great pride in learning from superheroes he idolizes. Having met Billy at a comic book convention in New York, it should be no surprise that Teddy happens to be a bit of a nerd for the subject. Though not quite as much as Billy is, Teddy still has a bit of a starstruck feeling whenever he meets a big time hero. As much as he resents both the Skrulls and Kree for not only their neverending wars, and what they did with his father and almost his mother. Teddy’s mother has made sure he remains proud of who he is, though smart about not being too blatant about it in public. Still as much as Teddy is a proud alien, he considers if nothing else Earth his true home. Appearance: [img][/img] When Teddy is a more unassuming ‘normal’ person. He stands around roughly 6’2 usually and his body tends to be different based on how his feeling that day. Sometimes a lean, fit frame, other times a bulky, muscular body. Othertimes still, in a very rare few moments done either just for laughs or embarrass his boyfriend, he has gone out in public looking comically fat. Either way, Teddy has more than a few piercings around the rim of his ears, something he did on his 16th birthday when his friends dared him too. Outside of his costume Teddy tends to wear either skateboarding or nerdy shirts his boyfriend gave him, jeans or cargo pants, and a pair of slightly worn out skate shoes. Affliation: Wiccan - Boyfriend Captain America - Mentor Young Avengers - Member ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: William “Billy” Kaplan Alias: Wiccan Role: Titan Brief Bio: Born in 1998, the youngest of three boys in a Jewish family living in the Bronx. Billy grew up idolizing the idea of the superheroes around him. While the Justice League themselves were cool, it was the Avengers who Billy truly looked up too. For a while he was just a typical New York City kid growing up. Soon though problems began to arise, it was around middle school when the notion first hit Billy. The idea of not quite being as attracted to girls like his friends were. Billy tried to fight the idea at first, fearing what would happen if it was actually true. Soon though Billy gave up and accepted it, he was gay. Billy Kaplan never had a problem being different from others, it was others who had a problem with him. Often Billy found himself beaten up, bullied in school for being gay. Things only got worse when he went into High School. The friends he had all slowly dwindled away, and while he found comfort in other students like him, it never really felt quite the same. One day after a particularly brutal hazing at school. Billy went to the Avengers Mansion to find some kind of comfort. It was there he met Scarlet Witch, his favorite Avenger. She talked to him for a bit, letting him tour the mansion a little. She told Billy that he should stick up for himself. The words stuck with Billy, and the next day when he saw another student get bullied, he took action. However it was during the battle that Billy’s powers manifested themselves, as he shocked the bully with electricity. He struggled to control himself, stopping before he killed the other person. The incident left Billy frightened and scared, thankfully he never got any punishment as the bully was too scared to accuse Billy of anything. Trying desperately to cheer himself up Billy went to a comic book trade show. He wasn’t expecting anything when he got there, but it started something beautiful for him. There he met Teddy Altman. A young, amazingly handsome man. The two hit it off instantly, especially as they both started dating. Though it wasn’t until one night, when Billy caught Teddy having transformed, speaking to his mom privately about telling Billy. Billy told Teddy he was okay with it, and that he had something to himself as well. Soon however SHIELD began recruiting Teddy for their new Young Avengers program. Before he had to leave Teddy came to Billy asking if he’d be interested in joining. It didn’t take long for Billy to pack his things and begin a new life with The Young Avengers. Abilities: With Wiccan’s magic based powers, to activate or use a spell Billy must focus on a desire or wish and vocalize it, repeating it until the spell is casted. If Billy however can’t hear his own words then the spell will either be massively hindered or not casted at all. However Wiccan has casted spells when he hasn’t said a word, and has difficulty casting spells fellow Young Avenger Ken Tennyson can. Wiccan is capable of a variety of feats, including, but not limited to tracking and locating others, illusionary disguises, tearing down force-fields, mass teleportation, concussive blasts, enchantments, astral projection, and telekinetic force beams. Personality: A class-A nerd, Billy has taken to the idea of becoming a Young Avenger as it is a life-long dream. He takes pride in being a part of the Young Avengers, more so than maybe anyone else on the team. What can be considered both his biggest strength and also his biggest hindrance is that Billy wears his heart on his sleeve deeply. He can let his emotions get the better of him, and sometimes will take blame for things he shouldn’t. At the same time though, Billy’s emotions are the same thing that drive him. The passion to be a better superhero, to protect Teddy at any cost. Appearance: [img][/img] Affliation: Member of Young Avengers Hulkling - Boyfriend