[hider=Appearence] [img=http://images.wikia.com/fairytail/images/e/eb/Medusa.jpg] [/hider] Name: Andromeda Barker (prefers Andy or Ann) Age: 18 Gender: Female Species/Race: Gorgan Powers: if someone looks directly at her eyes they will turn to stone (if they don't look directly at her eyes then they won't get turned to stone, she constantly wears either a viel or a pair of sunglasses so people won't be able to see her eyes), can speak to an exercise minor control over snakes (sort of more persuasion then control), has complete control over the snakes on her head but if she's doesn't specifically tell them to do something (telepathically) they pretty much just reflect her attitude, if she's restless they won't sit still, if she's angry they'll start hissing and the like. Weaknesses: she is mortal, anything that can kill a normal hero can kill her too. especially weak against cold (since she is in fact cold-blooded, since she's kind of part snake in a way. Personality: very shy, is friendly and wants to have friends but doesn't know how to go about it, socially awkward, kind, often returns to her Greek roots in appearance and actions as well as speech. Background: Andromeda is in fact Medusa descendant, the stoning powers skipped a generation so her mother thought she had been normal and when she had a baby that turned a nurse to stone when she finally opened her eyes, she shunned her and locked her up, home-schooling her and always teaching her there was something wrong with her. and as she was never allowed to look anyone, even her own mother in the eyes, she now has trouble doing that, seeing it as Taboo, despite the fact her gaze won't turn people to stone as long as she has her veil on. she was sent there when she got an invitation to study and her mother was happy to get rid of her. Study: the core classes, piano, computer, sculpting ;) theme: [youtube]-RhuwLTmtAg[/youtube]