[center][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/76a95d77ffda31694bbcce2e5ab1ac26/tumblr_mincimoEZW1qfhkmgo1_400.jpg] [b][i]"How dare you? Standing around deciding my future. I am not a prize to be won!"[/b][/i][/center] [center] [b]Name: [/b] [i]Jasmine[/i] [b]Age: [/b] [i]17[/i] [b]Gender: [/b] [i]Female [/i] [b]Species: [/b] [i]Human[/i] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [i]Jasmine is a very fast and nimble girl. While on her roaming around, after fleeing the palace, Jasmine learned martial arts and ways to defend herself the hard way.[/i] [b]Fairytale: [/b] [i]Aladdin[/i] [b]Part in Story:[/b] [i]Princess of Agrabah [/i] [b]History:[/b] [i]Jasmine grew up in the palace of Agrabah, with her father, the Sultan. To many, being a princess would be a priviledge, but to Jasmine it was just a burden. Jasmine longed for a life outside the palace where she was free to do as she liked. Some place where she was able to decide for herself. The duties of a princess tired her but she could no longer take it when her father announced that it was time for her to marry. It was a law, when a princess turns of age(16years old) she needed to marry and further the family line. Her father, who didn't understand her wishes, dismissed her opinions. Ultimately, Jasmine had enough. She rounded up some of her things, traveling light, and left the palace with Rajah. In town, she met with Aladdin. But as soon as she caught sight of the guards, she fled, never again returning to the palace. She finally got the adventure she was wishing for.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Jasmine has always been a free-spirited, rebellious, bold girl. However, she is a strong believer in true love. Aside from her cunning nature, Jasmine is also kindhearted, even if she doesn't show it much.[/i] [b]Family: [/b] [i]The Sultan, her dad, is her only known relative since her mother is deceased. He is still alive and kicking.[/i] [b]Friends:[/b] [i]So far? Rajah. [/i] [b]Crush/Relationships:[/b] [i]None at the moment, since she never met Aladdin after that one incident in the town..[/i] [b]Other:[/b] [img=https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9xpisssam1qm2s94o2_500.gif] [i]She's living with Rajah, her pet tiger and presently her only friend.[/i] [/center]