[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/29065/posts/ooc?page=1]OOC[/url] So I decided to do the TL;DR before the big post to make things a little easier for you folks. TL;DR - (For those who don't know.... TL;DR stands for 'Too Long; Didn't read') This story is set in a far off dystopian future. Long as time ago scientists opened a wormhole and accidentally connected our Earth with an alternate universe where all our stories of creatures that went bump in the night were actually real. They poured into our world, having picked their world dry and began to lay waste to humankind. In a last ditch effort the powers that be sent the final blow. A volley of several nuclear warheads that dessimated most of the creatures. Though the nukes also destroyed much of the Earths natural resources. The two domains came upon an agreement that they would share the Earth, what was left, and all technology and knowledge equally. Now it is nearly a thousand years in the future and this is all they have ever known. Most of the world is a waste land and all human resources and technology went to creating huge Eco-Generators to keep the world inhabitable. What the creatures offered was magic, special runes that are tattooed onto the skin and imbue specific abilities; though a lot of humans can't withstand the process and die during the inscriptions onto their skin so it is rare to see a human with Rune Tattoo's. This story will be about a band of people, humans and creatures alike, that come together to fight against an ever growing evil force. After so many years there have been a growing group of creatures that believe they don't belong as equals with the humans and desire to rule over them. Standard stuff I know though I wish to create a unique environment for like minded people to develop and play through. ---- The world wasn't always this messed up, or so the stories say. There used to be lush forests and the majority of the world was covered in water, but that's hardly the case now. Few tree's or bushes scatter the face of this new earth with few area's lucky enough to have a field of trees, though no larger than a coliseum, with the Worlds water now down to half the percentage of what it used to be. Sounds like not even heaven could beat the beauty of what was lost, what we were left with some call hell on Earth, I just call it home. The people who survived before the 'Fall' have passed away nearly a thousand years ago though their stories still remain, unsure how much is true. The story goes that Scientists trying to create a worm hole to another dimension or universe finally struck gold, but what came forth from that worm hole changed the face of this world. Coming forth from it were creature's and races our kind had never seen, so many beasts and vicious things came and just spread like a plague, killing all and taking claim to regions as their own. The threat was so dire that the Nations of the old world had no choice but to use their most lethal of weapons, Nuclear Warheads, on the invading creatures and killing off a large amount. But that was a doubled edged sword for what happened to the Earth could not be repaired. The leader of what was left of the humans and the king of the other Realm came to an understanding and a treaty of peace to share this new earth as long as they shared their technologies with each other, Humans science with the beasts magic. That was one problem solved, the next was the crisis of the lack of forestation to produce breathable oxygen. So it was a race, find a solution before the world has no breathable air. A couple years later they constructed large dome like buildings called Eco-Generators that produced oxygen and water along with a bit of isolated land to grow crops. Supposedly the scientist studied the remainder of the plants and found a way to take their natural means of the conversion and turn it into a chemical and mechanical process, gotta love those tree huggers. The rest of our survival was based upon scrounging for food and water where we could, and luckily the other realm brought along animals that scour the land which means a lot of meat, though hunting those vicious animals down was a hassle all on its own. But that was my world, a world of scattered towns and refuges with scarce water and a predator-predator relationship with our food. But now a new threat arises. A group called the Rebellion, a militia of creatures, now wants to stake claim of the Earth and clean it of it's human pests. Though Humans are the only race threatened many creatures stand to defend them, having found solace in the new world and friendship in humans. [center]*****[/center] [b]General Information:[/b] -Guns are a pretty common thing though bullets are INCREDIBLY expensive. Most people often carry medieval weaponry for personal defense with a pistol for the absolute last resort. -Feel free to create any race you'd like OR use an already established creature from lore. Your choice. Though if you create a race place fill out a race sheet. That will be provided separately. -As said Magic Runes are incredibly taxing on the human body during the inscription so a lot of people die from it. So if you want a human with magic runes don't over load them. I MIGHT accept a character or two that are humans with a lot of runes but it better be a very well made character lol. If your character is NOT human they still need runic tattoos to perform magic. -Magic Runes are very specific in their capabilities. You can't have a single rune that does multiple different things. -If you want to create a gun slinging bad ass you need to justify how he or she came upon such a surplus of ammunition. -This is a desert world, there are hardly any forest regions left so take that into account when playing/creating your character. -Think of this world as a Mix of Old West mixed with high fantasy. Sort of like [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tatooine]Tatooine[/url] from Star Wars. [b]Technology:[/b] -Because this is so far in the future there will be futuristic elements though it will be rare. Most items were scrapped for material to make the Eco-Generators but some things are still around. -Transportation: There are hover bikes but again, incredibly rare and expensive. The People who own one are either very rich or stole them. Most people travel either on foot or a tamed creature large enough to carry them. -Cell towers and satellites no longer exist. Most communication is through land line phones or radio. -There are some Androids and Cyborgs still around. Mainly those who look the most human. Because of their unique power system they are often kidnapped and dismantled for parts. So often they hide their true identity and claim to be human. Those who are obviously not Human and not kidnapped usually have a larger importance or heavily protected because of their knowledge base. -Anything else just ask and I will let you know.