The gong was sounded, the trumpets were blown, the war drums could be heard. This was the sound of the finals. The tournaments were coming to an end, there were only two fighters left and whoever won would get a tour around the castle, and to meet the princess. Princess Seninia sat with her mother and father beside her, high on top of the arena, there she watched all the battles, and so far, like every single time, every single year, she predicted the winner. It was amazing, she knew who exactly was going to win. There, the crowd cheered and waited for Princess Seninia's decision. Who was going to win? She stood up slowly, and stepped forward. She also had to make a small speech for the two fighters. She really didn't like the tournaments. She hated fighting, violence was never the answer. "I congratulate you two, Arunkaj and Leo. You have come far in this tournament, you have worked hard, but now the tournament is at an end. I can already see who the winner is. Congratulations Arunkaj, and I am sorry Leo. For many years now, I have been called a miracle child. Ever since I began predicting the fights. These tournaments are no longer what they used to be, it is no longer entertaining, knowing who wins." She then sat herself down and sighed, and as she did, Leo quickly got angry, in fact, he got so angry, he began to shout and swear at Princess Seninia. Then, he took it one step too far, he threw a knife at her which of coursed was stopped by one of her guards. "You will pay, you will suffer for what you have done! Tomorrow night, your death will be certain! I will make sure of it! You will regret not making me the winner!" The King quickly stood up straight after and stared down at Leo. He didn't care if Leo had of won or not, even if he did, he was not to see Princess Seninia now. He had just threatened her life, and that he was not having. Guards quickly rushed in and grabbed Leo, holding him down. "Leo! You have just decided your fate! You will regret ever threatening Princess Seninia. One man cannot change a thing, especially when they are no longer living! There isn't anyone, who can defeat the Royal Guards. Princess Seninia is perfectly safe, I guarantee that. Guards, take him away!" He then watched as the guards took him away, he smiled and sat down. Arunkaj was now the winner. Princess Seninia then stood up once more and stepped up, she looked down to Arunkaj with a sigh. "Congratulations on your win. You will have the honor of meeting me, as well as a personal tour around the castle. You will have your chance to ask any questions to me as you wish. Come back tomorrow at 12:00 to claim you prize money and take your tour." She sat herself down, and the crowd all cheered. Leo may of died, but at least there was no fighting. She preferred that. She hated when she had to watch the fights, she sighed and then looked up to the sky. She had a bad feeling about all of this.