Name: Currently goes by Sarah Nashan Age: 600 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Bio: Sarah was born 600 years ago as the daughter of a noble. She discovered her powers on her 16th birthday after which she decided she would enjoy controlling the head of the family, her father, and all his wealth and power rather than be married off. And so she took control of him and ruled through him until he eventually died, but it was not the end of her manipulations she weaved her way in and out of Europe’s politics for centuries, but as time went on her interest and pleasure gained from politics lessened and lessened, in time she grew tired of the way humans were acting and left the normal world on her 350th birthday. For the next hundred years she simply wandered wherever she pleased, exploring to her hearts content. Finally shortly after the end of the Cold War she returned to civilization, though she still refused to get involved in politics again instead choosing to simply live peacefully in London. Power 1:Gravity manipulation  Power 2: Teleportation (Can teleport to any place she has visited at will, though it does require a great deal of concentration and is thus useless in any battle) Power 3: Limited mind control over normal humans only Strength:3 Speed:7 Personality: Sarah is an excellent actor and is very skilled in deception and lying to others. She is able to change her mood, behavior and almost entire personality when needed as long as it would gain her some extra measure of power. What she is actually like is up for debate and she herself has almost forgotten what she was originally like all those years ago. Daaaaaamn it.... I only meant to submit this one, anyone know how I delete?