"Oh, the teacher..." Kimiko leaned against her desk and stumbled a bit as it moved backwards on her. Her arms flailed backwards but she caught herself before she fell. "Oops! Uh.. he's awful. He just left the military last year to become a teacher, and he treats us like soldiers. Pay attention in his class. Our other teachers aren't so bad. One doesn't even mind if you doodle while she teaches." Aya giggled a bit at Kimkio's clumsy antics, but continued to listen. She nodded rested her head in her hand, thinking about how she could get more information as to what as going on. Though Kimiko sprung a question on her Aya hadn't been prepared for. "Why did you come to Japan to study?" Kimiko asked. Aya's ears perked up as she quickly raced to come up a legitimate answer. "Ohh uhh.... Hmmm, well I uhh, you see, this thing I do back at home, it uhh, offers this international studies opportunity for those who can meet the requirements and get it. I was lucky enough to be able to get in. I figured that being able to study abroad will really help me in the long run, and hey, can be a fun adventure too!" she said, sounding more confident in her answer by the end of it. It was odd for her, but Aya now finally recognized another feeling in her, something that had been overshadowed by all the confusion and fear. There was a bottom line sense of excitement in her, something she felt like this really was an adventure for her, and then it hit her. "My whole life, it's just been same thing day in and day out.... over and over again.... but this... this is something new, something that while I may not know what it may be, but I feel so much more... alive.... like when I fly in the air... this child like excitement...." This realization of herself suddenly made Aya feel a lot happier, as if she didn't have to put up a facade anymore to blend in. Remembering the situation at hand however, Aya decided to find out more about her new found friend. "Anyway, so what's this about a strict teacher Kimiko? Is he like, strict but fair, or does go all crazy with being strict and percise?" Aya said with a grin.