[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Icon stood and stared at the lanky scientist in utter disbelief. The doctor’s provocative statement had the opposite effect on the hero than had been intended. Icon almost immediately came to distrust the scientist, and hold a bit of contempt for the man. Icon already had a father, a man who he may not have always agreed with, but a man who had raised him. Icon felt it somewhat disrespectful to his father’s memory for someone else to so cavalierly use the title. “I have a father.” Icon said somewhat curtly, perhaps more so than he had intended. “Of course. Mr. Hunter raised you, and by the looks of things, he did a stand up job.” Dr. Franklin said. “I however, had a much more…intimate role in your becoming who you are.” Before Icon could respond, another door opened behind him and yet another man emerged into the chamber, this man was slightly taller than Dr. Franklin. He was a rat faced man with close cropped graying hair and an air of arrogance about him, which was more than likely developed in part due to the heavily armed guards who trailed behind him. The man looked first to Dr. Franklin and then to Icon. He flashed a toothy grin that seemed far from genuine as he spread his arms out and greeted the hero. “Icon, welcome to the Valor Institute.” The man said. “And you are?” Icon asked. “I’m Benjamin White, the administrator of this fine facility. Now, I’m sure you have questions for us, and I’ll be more than happy to answer them for you. But why don’t we go to my office, we have a lot to discuss.” Icon looked to Dr. Franklin, who smiled and nodded his approval. “Alright, Mr. White, why don’t you lead the way?” Icon said. Benjamin White turned and motioned for Icon to follow as he led Icon and the others down the long and narrow hallway that lay behind the doorway. [center]***[/center] Icon sat in Mr. White’s office, his head bowed, staring at the floor as he processed the information that he had been given over the last forty five minutes. Mr. White had told him about the early experiments mixing human and alien DNA. He learned of the numerous monstrosities that had been created and summarily destroyed. Mr. White explained how a rogue scientist had stolen him as an infant and vanished, never to be seen or heard from again, and how it wasn’t until they had seen the incident with the space station that they had suspected that they had finally found him. He also explained how it took some time, cross referencing new arrivals to Lost Haven as well as known associates of Dr. Hill, the woman who had taken Icon as a child, before they were able to find anyone that could possibly be the one that they were looking for. He remained seated in silence as the information began to sink in. When he had agreed to come to this facility to find answers, he knew that there was a possibility that he would learn things that he wouldn’t want to know. Things that he wouldn’t want to believe. However, he was not prepared for what he learned in this office. “So that’s it?” Icon said finally. “I’m just some science experiment?” “No, my boy. You’re much more than that.” Mr. White said enthusiastically. “Son, you are the pinnacle of evolution, the perfect being. You are capable of so much mo…” He was cut off by Dr. Franklin. “Icon, it doesn’t matter where you were born. All that matters is what you choose to do with your life, and as someone who had direct involvement with the process that produced you, I couldn’t be prouder.” Dr. Franklin said. “Of course, we would like you to stay with us for a few days so that we can run some tests and just ensure that everything is in order.” “You want to study me?” Icon asked incredulously. “In a manner of speaking. There are so many things that we don’t understand. We would like to run some tests to see exactly how you've developed, and the true extent of your abilities. But most importantly, we had some…difficulties with other subjects of the experiment that created you, and we just want to be sure that everything is in order.” Mr. White explained. “With all due respect, I didn’t come here for tests. I have a lot of responsibilities in Lost Haven, a lot of people that count on me. I really should be getting back.” Icon said. Benjamin White exhaled slowly and slumped slightly at Icon’s refusal. Then he straightened his posture and an understanding smile slowly crossed his face. “Of course, I understand. Perhaps another time.” He said. “Perhaps.” Icon agreed in a noncommittal tone. Well, you’ve come this far, why don’t we show you around the facility before you go, let you see where you really came from.” White said, then continued. “Dr. Franklin will show you around.” “I’d like that.” Icon said as he stepped out the door. Benjamin White sat back down at his desk and watched as Icon and the scientist made their way down the hall. Once they were out of sight, he motioned for Riot to close the door. “Sir, are you really just going to leave?” Riot asked. “Of course not! Icon is the property of The Valor Institute. He isn’t going anywhere.” White sneered as he got up from his desk and motioned for Riot to follow him down the hall after the hero and his tour guide.