Kasyra had finally made it back to her shared quarters, taking far longer than the others to leave the briefing because of the pounding in her head. Every step was hell for her, and the quiet beeps the door made when she unlocked it had sounded like the ship was trying to shout her out of existence. She had finally reached her bed, and once there had very nearly fallen straight asleep. What she had instead done, after several minutes of sitting silently, was pick out a small metal box from under her bed. Inside the box were a number of drugs, mostly stimulants of varying kinds, already prepared for injection straight into a Quarian suit environment. For what seemed to her to be an age, she contemplated just putting it back where it belonged, laying down and leaving this rescue mission to the rest of the crew. They didn’t have infections to contend with after all. Eventually though, she talked herself back around. The crew didn’t have the advantages she did in this sort of a situation. Her suit was sealed and shielded, so she could navigate hazards others couldn’t without a second thought. Not only that, she was a Quarian. Every Quarian knew at least a little about ship repair and functions, and if anyone could buy more time for a ship in a terrible situation it was her. Or maybe Tzvi. But two Quarians were better than one right? That way they could wire up twice the amount of scrap metal to make precision jumps. She took several of the syringes from the box and placed them carefully on one of the tiny ports on the exterior of her suit designed to allow medicine to be administered without opening the suit. only moments after she depressed the syringe the stimulants started to flood her system, injected through the suits on-board medical systems, and her headache began to subside, clearing up almost immediately. The next syringe was filled with immuno-boosters to help against the infections. The effect of that one would come later. The final syringe was filled with a cocktail of drugs to stave off all of the effects of the infection that were currently making her life a living hell. Unlike the immuno-booster, the effect was instant, restoring her mind and body to a near perfect state. She tried not to think about how much worse everything would be when it wore off though. With the injections done, she put away the small box and its syringes and started looking around the room for the extraneous pieces of her suit she’d haphazardly removed after the mess on Lueks yacht. She started with the armor plates that kept her suit safe from accidental breaches and provided a little more protection in combat. Much of this was stored nicely near her bed as she’d removed all but the most vital plates for her party outfit. Still, those vital plates were now the ones she had to find, and hope they were dry and largely undamaged.