Finally, the moment had arrived. Taking in a deep breath, the raven-haired woman knocked gently on the door of room 506. She heard muffled voices and the shuffling of moving bodies, but there was a long pause before anything happened. Finally, whoever was on the other side seemed satisfied with what they saw through the peep hole and cracked open the door. Lilith didn't see anyone, but she heard a gruff voice, “What do you want?” “I’m here to deliver a briefcase.” The door closed again and the fox couldn't help but roll her eyes as she heard the chain lock being undone, as if that would have stopped her from coming in. The door opened wide to reveal a dark skinned man. Thanks to Lilith’s 10 cm heels, she was eye to eye with the man, which was obviously not what he had expected. Regaining his composure quickly, the man grabbed the fox spirit’s arm and yanked her inside. “Who the hell taught you how to make a deal? Jesus Christ I wouldn't be surprised if-“ “That’s enough, Pavel.” “But sir she-“ “I said, ‘enough.’ Look at the poor thing, you've frightened her.” Lilith quickly yanked her arm free and turned, wide-eyed, to the man sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the room. Frightened? Of the many emotions that welled up inside the kumiho at being touched, frightened was certainly not one of them. If anything in the room were to scare the woman, it would certainly be the man sitting before her, posing as her hero. His lecherous gaze was impossible to mistake as his fat tongue rolled out of his mouth to wet his lips. Lilith had barely composed herself and adjusted her coat before she felt hands on her body, practically mirroring the pervert’s gaze. She hissed as Pavel began searching her, snapping rudely, “I’m not hiding anything. Get your hands off of me.” He didn't even look at her, continuing his pat down as the large, bald man that had been standing behind the negotiator walked over to grab the briefcase. Brow furrowed, the kumiho stepped back with the briefcase behind her and raised right fist to strike whichever man approached her first. “Come now, my pet, they aren't going to hurt you. It’s just protocol, I’m sure you understand that, right? I promise it’ll be over before you know it. Now be a good girl and let them finish up or we might have to… punish you.” The man grinned at his words, which made bile rise in Lilith’s throat but she sighed and relented. The briefcase was laid on one of the beds, which the fox only just now realized had two more men sitting on it. They seemed meek and anxious, reaching out for the briefcase until they were told to wait. Slinking back like scolded puppies, their glassy eyes watched and waited for a signal. Pavel finished his search of Lilith’s body and nodded at the man in the chair before backing up and standing by the door. Glancing over her shoulder, Lilith spat, “I told you I didn't have anything.” The man simply rolled his eyes in response and crossed his arms over his chest. “Ignore him, pet. Why don’t you come here so we can get to know each other a little better? My name’s Andrei and what, may I ask, is the beautiful name of such a beautiful woman?” He held out his hand and smiled. [i]Oh you have got to be kidding. That damned man is going to get it for this one.[/i] Forcing away thoughts of Aleks, Lilith smiled and walked up to Andrei, taking his hand gently. She began to shake it, but he instead turned her hand and kissed the back of it, his tongue drawing a small circle before he released her hand. Laughing as if she were charmed, the fox spirit simply responded, “Lilith.” “Ah, beautiful, just as I had expected. Why don’t you have a seat and tell me why it is you wanted to meet with us today, Lilith?” The negotiator patted his lap, offering the only chair in the room without standing. He chuckled as he explained, “I would have gotten a nicer room, had I known we were having such a special guest.” Her jaw tightened, but Lilith shed her coat and laid it on the spare bed before walking over in slow, fluid strides. She sat sideways in Andrei’s lap and draped her arms around his neck before confessing she was not the one who called. “I’m afraid I don’t know who arranged this meeting. I received a note with a phone number on it and when I called I was given instructions to pick up the briefcase and bring it here.” “Oh? Is that so? Well, do you know what’s in the briefcase?” Lilith shook her head and tried to look as innocent as possible as she batted her lashes, “Not at all.” Andrei and chuckled and brushed his fingers up one of the kumiho’s pale arms. “That seems awfully dangerous of you, don’t you think? Delivering an unknown package for an unknown person.” Bowing her head, Lilith let her dark hair hide her face in mock embarrassment. “I was told I would be paid. I… I really need the money.” “Oh you poor thing. Don’t you have anyone to take care of you?” The woman shook her head in response. Andrei quickly became more bold the move vulnerable Lilith acted, his hand now stroking high up on her thigh, his other arm wrapped tightly around her waist. He paused his assault momentarily to snap at the bald man, “Rocket, why don’t you call the front desk and see if we can’t get the key to the room right next door? Our dear pet here could use some cheering up and I think it’d be best if she didn't see what was in the briefcase.” Lilith’s heart sped up at the mention of another room and she had to fight the smirk trying to form. He was making this too easy for her. Rocket, not being the smartest man, simply nodded and grabbed the phone to call the front desk but Pavel was less compliant, “Do you really think that’s a good idea? We don’t know anything about her, she could be lying. We should just check the goods and go.” Not wanting to lose her chance, Lilith pouted and leaned in closer to Andrei, her lips grazing the vein in his neck. She felt something stir in the man’s lap and his embrace tightened. There was no way his was giving up on the idea now. “Damn it Pavel, why must you question my every order? You stay here and make sure everything is set, I’m just going to go next door for a few minutes and make sure our guest is okay. Is that clear?” With a heavy sigh, the dark skinned man relented, “Yes sir.” About the same time, Rocket got off the phone with the front desk and told Andrei that they were bringing up the key. “Good, good. You boys get started as soon as we’re gone, understand?” The frail looking young man on the bed nodded in laborious gestures, his head looking like it might fall off his delicate shoulders. The other man seemed more relaxed, but Lilith saw the craving in his eyes. It wasn't too hard to guess what was in the briefcase, or at least, what was [i]supposed[/i] to be in the briefcase. She silently hoped Aleks hadn't screwed her over as she began to stroke at Andrei’s neck and shoulders. This job was proving to be bad enough without the possibility of the suitcase being empty. After a couple minutes, there was a knock at the door. Pavel answered once more, much more hospitably this time, and faced the room with a key card in hand. Andrei grinned and patted Lilith’s lower back, encouraging her to stand up. “Come my pet, I’m going to show you what it’s like to have a real man to take care of you.” Inwardly, the fox scowled. [i]Why bother to ask for my name if you aren't going to use it? You disgusting swine, just wait til that door is closed.[/i] Letting out a demure smile, Lilith stood up and allowed herself to be led to the door. She took one last glance at the four men left in the room and sucked in a deep breath. It was time for the hunt to begin.