[quote=Nero] I have no idea of what her height or weight would be, sue me. Lyra 19 Female Lamia - In ancient greek mythology Lamia was a beautiful queen of Libya who became a child-eating daemon. In the myth, Lamia is a mistress of the god Zeus, causing Zeus' jealous wife, Hera, to kill all of Lamia's children (except for Scylla, who is herself cursed) and transform her into a monster that hunts and devours the children of others. There are many other interpretations and expeculations about what a or who Lamia might have been, but in this specific case, a lamia is a half-human and half-serpentine creature, renowed as descendants of Poseidon and directly assossiated with greek mythology. No, she's not a child-eater creature which will strike fear into everyone's eyes. Her powers are related to the fact that she's a descendant of Poseidon (yes, Poseidon and other greek Gods now exist, sue me as well) and her serpentine like features. She's much stronger in the water, in fact, if she was to fight inside a pool, lake or anywhere with large quantities of water, she'd be close to unbeatable. She's capable of swimming at an extremely fast speed, and she benefits from the water: It makes her agile, faster and physically stronger. She's able to control water as well, at small quantities. She could hurl a medium sized water bomb at someone and soak them while knocking them away, but she couldn't create a waterfall at the school's campus for the sake of it. Wounds also close and heal at a much faster rate when she's inside the water.Other than that, her snake-like features such as sharp fangs, slitted pupils and her lower body itself could cause certain , but that's variable from person to person, as not everyone would be scared of a half-girl half-snake thing. Due to the same features, she's capable of defending herself using her claws, which can be pretty dangerous. She's not that strong outside of the water, and if theres no water-resoure nearby, it's safe to assume that she can't do any harm rather than biting, clawing or strangling someone with her tail. I will add this soon. I will also add this son. P.E, Swimming, CookingDo I need to answer the question still?Anyway, I'm just posting so her abilities can be looked at, I will add the personality and background sections soon, it's 3:00AM here and I better get some sleep. [/quote] It'd be nice if you can answer the question soon. o.o Which reminds me, there are some Character Sheets that did not answer the question. ;) *wiggles eyebrows* [s]Where's that whip HylianRose has?[/s] So far, she seems pretty balanced. Large water sources aren't exactly everywhere, so the major tradeback she has on land seems pretty fair to me. Only thing I need to talk about with Rose are the Greek Gods part lol, but other than that, you're off in a really interesting path. I will wait for the personality and background with some anticipation, seeing how I kinda motivated you into making this character. (Did I, in a sense? o.o)