Me too Geoffrey 17 Illness: He has Hallucinations and sees things that are not there, his hallucinations may also take his mind to some insane dimension (When this happens his body has seizures). Appearance: Geoffrey is a standard European. Light Brown hair, 5.9 f tall, and is of average build. His only remarkable feature is his eyes which are a deep purple and may randomly flash crimson on occasion. He has used this unique feature to woo more than a few girls. Bio: Geoffrey is a unfortunate child born into unfortunate circumstances. His mother died giving birth to him, his father committed suicide, he was sent to live with his poor, alcoholic, drug abusive, uncle who would abuse him often, he was then taken from his uncle and sent to a foster family. Unfortunately years of neglect had changed Geoffrey, gave birth to something inside him, for he began to have hallucinations and the Government decided it was best to send him to a Asylum for treatment. Personality: Years of abuse have made Geoffrey stronger. He has learned to look out for himself and trust nobody. He is protective, untrusting and quick to anger Power: Telekenisis