[b][i][center]Marian[/b][/i][/center] Marian nodded, knocking back the last of her beverage. She turned from the bar and looked about to try to think of where the two lil things might be. Before heading towards the hall, she looked to Woody once more, "We'll talk more about liquor another time. Just know I can get it." She patted Paul on the arm as she went by, and made her way down the hall with her ears open. Surely two young girls would not be sitting quietly, they would be moving about and chatting and giving away their location. She paused as she passed doorways to listen with no results at the private doors. There were some shuffling noises at Rumple's door, and Marian stopped. Should she check? Or not? She could hear the little man talking quietly to something, and thought maybe the girls were in there. She pushed open his door, mouth smiling and open ready to call out to the girls, and stopped dead in her tracks. Rumple was sitting at his stool at the desk. The room was lit with candles lending it a soft glow, and there were two place settings as if he were hosting a meal for a guest. The 'guest' placed across from Rumple at the other plate was the creature Marian had recently delivered, still in its cage but sitting up towards the cage door making purring noises. Rumple turned at Marian's entry in the middle of ladeling out what seemed to be some kind of casserole, and gave her a dark even look. "Oh... um - pardon me." she stuttered and backed out the door shutting it quickly behind her. [i]So, that was weird... You know, I don't want to know...[/i] she thought and let out the breath that had caught in her throat. She shook herself and moved on to the Library to keep up her hunt. She could hear female voices somewhere in the aisles and knew the girls were there somewhere. "Ash, Pete! Ladies, come out come out wherever you are. Snow wants you," she called as she paced the aisles. She wasn't one for book learning, but the smell of the place sure was nice. Paper and warmth, and the scent of old treasured things. "Ladiiiies... come on now."