Doctor's theatrics left Tala unfazed, although her expression returned to a more friendly one once she was offered a seat. She took it a bit reluctantly: "Nice to meet you too." she pipped, her gaze pointed to the table. From the corner of her eye she saw what might habe been putting Leopold on edge. Heck, it was putting her on edge. Who was that, promenading herself here in next to nothing? She hoped this inn wasn't THAT kind of establishment, or she'd rather brave the woods again. Glad for the change of topic, she smiled and collected her tale. Putting her ring back on, she started: "I actually came to find ingredients for my ring. See, they are for us what the shoulder insignia are for soldiers - a display of rank. My ring is that of an apprentice, a plain metal with engravings. A members ring is more representing, strictly gold and decorated by rarities. My search lead me here." she made a pause as she tried to remember how exactly she got here, "I came upon a warning on the edge of the forest, but foolishly didn't heed it in my greed. And then the forest captured me. No matter what I tried, I kept walking in circles. When I stumbled upon this place for the second - or was it third? - time, I was too tired to go on. And so I'm here." she finished, her face dropping at the thought of never making it out of here.