When Emma grabbed Tim's hand he did not react so much in a physical way but in a way a little stunned at her openness and kindness. That once lost feeling of compassion or empathy. "You don't have to be ashamed of crying. I think everyone alive in this world has lost someone important to them. It doesn't make you any less stronger. " As Emma spoke those words it really showed she cared for others, a good trait in Tim's book. "Its not so much as losing someone important to them any more than just remembering the good times together with someone you held more dear and precious that without a hesitation you would have switched fates with them just to see them smile one last time." replied Tim. "Also You are My Sunshine was one of my favorite Johnny Cash songs, a classic song in anybodies book you know." Giving the best smile he could and a brief tightening of the hands and lets go once they enter the house Tim throws his stuff into a corner furthest away from him so he could not give off a hint of a threat he then proceeded to living area where everyone could meet up. Sitting Indian style on the floor he clears his throat and says in a jovial tone "So lets get this little pow wow started. I think first off we should reintroduce ourselves and tell a little about ourselves. Who wants to start?"