[i]Oh god... the beds in this place better be fantastic...[/i] Enyo slowly pushed herself up. The morning sun was her arch enemy. She was used to [i]going[/i] to bed when the sun rose, not getting out of it. The little sleeping bag set-up on the floor hadn't been especially comfortable either. It felt like every vertebra in her spine cracked as she got up. [i]...because I am NOT going through this every night![/i] She then hobbled her way to the locker room so she could change back into her usual outfit and grab her weapons from her locker. She'd noticed that Felix, insane as always, had kept his under his damn pillow, but she'd decided to do things the normal way. Once she was dressed to kill, with her weapons on her back, she was ready to go... until her stomach growled. Food was probably important... so she decided to look into that while she had time. - - - Felix's eyes slowly opened. He hadn't slept well. When he realized he had no idea where he was he nearly cried out, but his mind caught up with him first. He was at Beacon. He yawned and got to his feet. He hadn't changed out of his outfit from last night, so he was ready to go... even if some might have found that less than cleanly. Well, he'd worry about cleanliness after his test and when he had a proper room to sleep in. He could go another day before he started to smell funny. Well, depending on how much this next test made him sweat he supposed. [i]I can do this... I can...[/i] Why did he even want to do this again? He had no idea, but what were his other options at this point? He couldn't just go home a coward and a failure. Well... he could, but he refused to. He took a deep breath, and found something to eat before settling in to wait for whatever the test was.