Edwin watched as Alexis walked away, but out of the corner of his eye kept an eye on Elise. Edwin hated more than ever that he was at her house, because now came the part were the vultures would come in looking for any morsel that they could get in their mouth. Edwin was there to gather information, but the information was personal but necessary for the case. This gave Edwin little sense of peace, and would be of cold comfort to Lyn and Elise. [I]It’s just part of the job, just part of the job. If I keep telling myself that enough maybe one day I’ll actually buy it. [/I] Edwin was impressed with the way Elise not only handled Ashley, but her care for Lyn was what Edwin was most impressed with. Elise and Lyn were going to need therapy at some point to deal with all this, but the way they were holding together now was going to go a long way in their healing process. Alexis didn’t worry Edwin in the least. As they made their way up the stairs Edwin said, “Alexis seems awfully sure I’m going to run into trouble.” He shook his head and said, “Not worried. I’ve gone toe to toe with a guy who had a bomb strapped to himself and was threatening to blow up the Pittsburgh Public Library.” Edwin shrugged his shoulders and said, “Although to be fair; I did have the SWAT Team standing behind me along with 15 other officers surrounding him and guns drawn. Besides anything happens to me Governor Pritchett will be down here with a task force to investigate, so the Sheriff is going to make sure I live to see the end of this case if nothing else.” When he heard Elise’s question Edwin replied, “I’m looking for what we call an ‘odd sock.’ By that I mean something that stands out from the rest of the items in there. Something that doesn’t look like it belongs. Also we’re looking for something that ties the people on that list to Elise. I refuse to believe those names were just pulled out of a hat. You and your sister have the familial connection and that’s all I’m going on right now. I don’t see any issues worth pursuing with you two at this time, and I want to avoid too many direct questions right now. I just want to get a feel for whom your sister is. Basically we need to go over computer files if she has them, note books, books, you name it.” Edwin handed Elise a pair of rubber gloves and said, “Please put these on. I want to avoid any cross contamination.”