[URL=http://s355.photobucket.com/user/gaaraxnami13/media/0ed88b28-7118-4a67-8a00-b414a1362b1b_zps14bfd33d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r478/gaaraxnami13/0ed88b28-7118-4a67-8a00-b414a1362b1b_zps14bfd33d.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [img]http://favim.com/orig/201104/27/Favim.com-26449.jpg[/img] Ella was gardening, singing tunelessly as she did so, enjoying the feeling of cool dirt on her hands and the smell of lush grass. She lived next to a woman with a red hood, but she had been so into her gardening she had forgotten to say hello. Looking up and rubbing the sweat off her brow with the back of her hand, she didn't even notice the dirt smearing across her porcelain skin. Man who lived here now were considered very beautiful, each a flower in their own way. But Ella... she was someone else's idea of beauty. The only thing striking about her were her large doe brown eyes that seemed to glow gold in the sunlight.... oh and maybe her pretty pale feet, but she liked wearing feminine boots since the whole fiancee fiasco. But Ella was content in her body. She didn't mind if others thought her plain. The eyes were the windows to the soul, right? Better to have a few things pretty, than none at all. Looking up at the window of her neighbor, she stood and walked over to lean slightly against her white picket fence. "Good afternoon, Miss Red Hood," her voice was cheerful and clear like the chime of a pleasing pipe, "Have you settled in nicely?"