OOC: W/ Echo, Sep Ariadne could not help but laugh at the Jaffa leaders request. He really was a short sighted man. What disturbed her was that the Tau’ri leader actually agreed with him. Thankfully, the older man left immediately after he agreed with Rea’c. Ariadne did not much care about making a Jaffa look bad, but making one of the ships commanders look bad was not the best idea. “[i]If I did not know better Rea’c, I would think you were joking. You do realise that the people of this world are not going to stop to ask whether you are ‘good Jaffa’ before they shoot you with the staff weapons they have likely taken from their former Jaffa overlords? Sending you to the planet, even with Tau’ri equipment, would be as good as announcing to the entire populace that the Goa’uld have returned to reconquer them. You would be lucky to last five minutes. I at least-[/i]” she paused momentarily in her speech to switch to Idalia’s normal voice. “-Can blend in. Although I am not sure I want to risk being among the first to greet the natives. However useful my experience may be.” She paused her tirade to allow others to speak, if they had any opinions on the matter. Despite her use of her hosts voice, she maintained full control. She could feel Idalia’s agreement regardless, so even if people mistook who was speaking, it would not matter. Black listened to the Tok'Ra speak, glad someone else wanted to be careful here, although she would have put it in words that didn't sound like she was laughing the Jaffa in the face. Captain didn't know how deep the distrust between these particular Jaffa and Tok'Ra ran, but based on their earlier talk, she better extinguish all sparks before they become wildfires. "I have to agree with Ariadne. I never said I'll imprison you on the ship, I merely suggested you go in 'second wave', if you will. Once we verify the planet is friendly, I see no reason to hold you on board, that isn't why you're here. Same goes for the Tok’Ra. I do not want anyone capable of sensing symbiotes who might happen to be on the planet misinterpreting something. As for appearing out of thin air, I do not intend to beam the squad in the middle of their town square." she said, making a mental note to try and not alienate any of the parties. She could smell a conflict with Mr. Williams in the air sooner rather than later, and the Asgard were able to save Hammond's command once before. She would have greater chances of surviving the IOA's wrath with the aliens on her side. Rea’c shook his head. “We were not invited here to take a back seat in the operations. We came here to take a stance to improve all of our races. We should all go together in order to show our unity against our foes. If we do not wish to show such a front then I do not see why we have come here and why we have not just done this ourselves with one of our own vessels. It would of been less time consuming anyway and we could have done it with an entire fleet if we ever came across problems with hostile vessels.” He looked at the other Jaffa in the room exchanging silent words as using Goa’uld with a Tok’ra in the room would be wasted. HE then turned back to the Captain. “Would it not be reasonable to assume that if you do come across hostiles that it would be beneficial to have more forces with you than five men? Not to mention what if the planet is occupied by Jaffa? They could think that you are working for the Goa’uld and trying to recapture them. There are many things that can be considered and many ways in which your planned ground team could end up in trouble.” Black thought about what the Jaffa said for a while. He had a point, even if everything in her screamed with disagreement. Lifting her gaze from the floor, she gave Rea'c a few nods. "You do have a point. Sorry, I lack the mindset to see politics in such situation. Very well, if you insist, you have a go." Captain finally agreed. She didn't want any casualties, least of all on their first stop, but if the Jaffa insisted on putting themselves in the line of fire, so be it. She could remember Ariadne warning her about this, and made a note to thank the Tok'Ra again later for the intel. Looking down at her watch, she continued: "We will be dropping out of hyperspace in two hours, it'll take the 302s a few extra minutes to make the short-jump to Tolia. If you have questions regarding the ground ops, I defer you to colonel Blaze. Now, if that is all you need from me?" she said, itching to be back on the bridge where things made sense without politics.