[hider=Joseph McArthur] [b]Base Character:[/b] Aquaman [b]Name:[/b] Joseph McArthur [b]Alias:[/b] His Atlantean name is Orin, is also sometimes called Sea King [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://moviesmedia.ign.com/movies/image/article/121/1210488/DC-GC-460_1319408525.jpg[/img] Without the suit obviously. [b]Costume:[/b] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/159/5/1/justice_league_western_re_designs___aquaman_by_denism79-d6849au.jpg] [b]Hero/Villain:[/b] Neither; though he is a pirate he won't needlessly kill. [b]Personality:[/b] Joseph despises his Atlantean heritage and rarely uses his powers unless he needs to, Never kills unless absolutely necessary, Although serious and cold he can joke around. [b]Motives:[/b] Joseph wishes to retake Atlantis from Atalan and place someone worthy on the throne. [b]Powers:[/b] [b] [i]Atlantean Biology[/i] [/b]:The Atlanteans are an offshoot of humanity that is biologically adapted to the deep ocean environment. For most Atlanteans, this means that can breathe underwater, endure the pressures of the deep (among other adaptations), and can only spend a very limited time out of water. He also possesses superhuman levels of strength, speed, endurance and durability, all by-products of his body being adapted to survive unprotected in the tremendous pressures of the ocean depths. Although other Atlanteans possess similar adaptations, Joseph's royal lineage makes him a super-Atlantean as well as super-human, and as such he has greater physical capabilities than a typical Atlantean. [b] [i]Marine Telepathy[/i] [/b]: Joseph has the ability to communicate directly with sea life and has done so throughout most of his life. Lately he possesses a greater range of control that can actually force sea creatures to obey his whims. [b] [i] Access to the Clear [/i] [/b]: Joseph has access to a quantum field phenomenon called "The Clear". Using the Clear, Joseph can sense the primal emotions of aquatic creatures. The Clear seems to function as a universal consciousness of all sea life, he can communicate or command sea life on the other side of the planet. He can see what they see. [b]History[/b]: The Queen of Atlantis, Atlanna was ambushed on a diplomatic mission by the Atlantean rebel terrorist group known as The Black Mantas, utterly destroying her royal convoy, during the attack she was knocked unconscious and swept away, since the Black Mantas were unable to find her 'body' they abandoned their attempted assassination and she was reported missing. A day later Atlanna washed up on Amnesty Bay and was rescued by a local lighthouse keeper named Thomas McArthur who kept her safe and allowed her to stay with him until she recovered from her injuries, they grew close together and eventually conceived Joseph. Some time after, the King of Atlantis, Atalan invaded the surface looking for his Queen, he found her with Thomas and demanded Atlanna returned with him to Atlantis. When she refused he had Thomas killed and forced her to come with him, two weeks after Atlanna developed signs of pregnancy, Atalan was overjoyed, unaware the child was not his. Eight and a half months later Joseph was born, the King was horrified to find the baby boy had blonde hair and had the ability to mentally communicate with sea life, this was because an ancient Atlantean tyrant named Kordax was distinguished by his bright, blond hair and his ability to telepathically communicate with marine life, it was believed that any Atlantean born with blond hair was deformed. Due to this Atlantean superstition, Joseph was passed off as stillborn and raised in secret, the only one who didn't hate him was Atlanna, when Joseph was eighteen she died and with no one to protect him he was thrown into an Atlantean prison under the false identity of a captured Black Manta rebel. After 23 years of hell, having practicing his ability to communicate with sea life on a dolphin he named Fluke in secret, he organised a mass prison break using marine life as a distraction and fled Atlantis, disgusted with its barbaric people. Joseph spent most his time in fishing communities in Alaska and became a fisher, using his abilities to easily capture fish and lobsters and earned a meager living through it. That is until the Black Manta rebels desperately raided the fishing town, on the run from the Atlantean army, preparing for a fatal last stand. Most of the locals were either killed or evacuated. At first Joseph decided to watch them take each other out, but when the Rebels were clearly losing, he thought what Atalan did to him and his mother and decided he would rather see a fair monarch than a tyrant on the Throne and joined the fight on the Black Mantas' side. With him attacking them, the Atlantean soldiers were wiped out in minutes, grateful for the assistance the Mantas offered him a place. Joseph accepted and joined them, commandeering an abandoned whaling vessel and renamed it the 'Fluke' after the dolphin Joseph used to practice his powers on during his stay in prison. Joseph now spends his time raiding Atlantean vessels with 'Fluke', the Black Mantas, his trusty harpoon and hopes to gather enough troops, resources and vessels to retake Atlantis. [/hider] [hider=Daniel Bróðir][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11112/111123459/3459367-calvin-rose-talon.jpg[/img] The armour is black and grey [i]Birth Name: Daniel Bróðir[/i] [i]Name origin:[/i] His first name is just a given name; nothing special, though his surname means Brother. [i]Alias:[/i] The Owl [i]Gender:[/i] Male [i]Skin tone:[/i] Slightly Pale [i]Hair Color:[/i] Brown [i]Eye Color:[/i] Blue [i]Height:[/i] 5ft 6 inches [i]Body Build:[/i] Lean, maintains a physique for acrobatics. [i]Faction:[/i] Brotherhood [i]Affiliation:[/i] Neutral [i]Backstory:[/i] Born of bastard union between a minor noble and a peasant, his father having denied Daniel was his son and left him and his mother to fend for themselves in the Slums. Surrounded by poverty and disease, which eventually took his mother, Daniel was forced to steal to survive, developing stealth and acrobatic skills with each act of thievery. Daniel's exploits attracted the attention of The Brotherhood, who drugged him and brought him to one of their safe houses, offering him a place with them on one condition, he had to give up everything, Daniel gladly accepted despite the difficult requirement wanting to eradicate poverty in Vahara. The Brotherhood taught Daniel in poison making, how to identity them by smell and colour, the final part of his teachings was the use of daggers and throwing knives in combat, he nearly died in multiple sparring matches. After years of grueling training, he is now currently on his first official assignment to assassinate a corrupt nobleman with the same thing he spreads throughout the kingdom...poison. [i]Strengths:[/i] -Knowledge of Poisons -Knife thrower -Acrobatic -Trained with daggers -Minor martial arts training [i]Weaknesses:[/i] - Not very adept in hand to hand combat - Only trained in daggers and throwing knives - Wears little armour beside bracers, greaves and basic scale armour on the shoulders as they weigh him down - Young and little experienced [i]Religion:[/i] Doesn't really believe in any Gods. [i]Birth month:[/i] Solum [i]Brotherhood Mask appearance:[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/J4I9DZ1.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Anthony/Heimdall][b]Name:[/b] Anthony, called Tony by his family and close friends [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]God/Goddess:[/b] Heimdallr [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Anthony is an African-American male of about medium height (6') for a man his age, 18. He isn't overweight, though nor is he underweight, being only average in the weight department. His body is fit from occasional exercise, or whenever his brother forces him to spar, and even then it's rather slight, and average as well. His hair is cut rather low to his head, almost like a buzz-cut, while his eyes are a light brown that appears gold in the sunlight, and in the darkness. [b]Personality:[/b] Shy and introverted unless he is with his close friends, respectful to those who deserve it. Is immensely loyal and brave, even to the point that he would harm himself to save someone else. If pushed can be a force of nature. Considers his adopted family to be his blood family. [b]Bio:[/b] Blinded in an accident that also killed his parents when he was 7, Anthony was put into an abusive orphanage until he was fortunately adopted by another family. Now spends time with his adopted Mom, Dad and brother Stephen. [b]Abilities/weapons:[/b] Despite being blind, He is able to tune his awareness to see and hear events as they occur in far off areas as if he were standing in the near vicinity of those he observes. Uses this ability to wield a bow and arrow. Also has a dagger. [b]Crush:[/b] [s]Himself[/s] None [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]