Your characters have come to Master Wu's school to train in martial arts. You will begin inexperienced, but overtime you will become stronger and more skilled. When your character acquires enough Knowledge they can upgrade one of three primary attributes: [b]Mind[/b] - Increases Speed and Agility. [b]Body[/b] - Increases Vitality and Strength. [b]Spirit[/b] - Increases Chi and Focus. [b][u]Attributes[/b][/u] [b]Vitality[/b]: This is your health and how much damage you can take before being defeated. [b]Focus[/b]: This is equivalent to stamina and allows you to use physical techniques. [b]Chi[/b]: This takes the place of magic and allows to use chi techniques. [b]Strength[/b] - How much damage you deal. [b]Speed[/b] - How many times you can attack per turn. [b]Agility[/b] - Chance to dodge an attack. [b][u]Styles[/b][/u] A 'Style' is a form of martial arts. Each Style is usually classified as Fast, Balanced, or Strong. Fast Styles use quick attacks but do not deal much damage, and are best used against Strong Styles. Strong Styles rely on raw strength although they are slow, and are best used against Balanced Styles. Balanced Styles focus on balancing strength and speed, and are best used against Fast Styles. [b]Fists of Fury[/b] - Fast Style; +1 Strength, +3 Speed, -1 Chi, -1 Focus [b]Leaping Tiger[/b] - Balanced Style; [b]Standing Mountain[/b] - Strong Style; [b][u]Techniques[/b][/u] Techniques are special abilities that use Focus or Chi and can give you an edge in battle. Each Technique will take time to learn, and even more time to master. Physical abilities consume Focus and allow your character to pull off some impressive physical feats. Magical abilities consume Chi and allow your character to tap into powerful magics. [b]Focus Techniques[/b] Counter Strike: You are ab Paralyzing Strike Sweeping Leg Strike Strong Kick Strong Strike [b]Chi Techniques[/b] Chi Strike: A powerful strike charged by Chi. Shadow: Allows a character to completely disappear in the shadows. Chi Blast: Powerful burst of pure Chi. Heal: Restores Vitality of target. [b][u]Yin Yang[/b][/u] Yin Yang is the morality system in the roleplay. Certain characters respond differently to your characters depending on their Yin/Yang values. The value is hidden and only I know it, but [b][u]Bio Format[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Remember to use Asian names. [b]Age:[/b] Be reasonable. [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Pictures are allowed. [b]Belongings:[/b] Anything your character may have owned before you came to Master Wu's school. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b]