Harry's awakening from his slumber was quite ungraceful, with a private alarm blaring into his ears, and him getting up only to bang his head into the ceiling. Obviously, he'd been assigned the smallest room in the entire ship, because his quarters were barely larger than a normal janitor's closet. "In the name of Jackie Chan, what the hell?" he muttered, rubbing the top his head in confusion. He didn't quite realize where he was, and the fact that he wasn't on vacation, until he'd made a cup of tea, and brushed his teeth. As he dipped the tea bag for the second time into his steel cup, he jerked his head in realization, once more banging his head on the wall, and spilling the hot tea. With haste not seen before, he emptied his second cup of hot water without even adding tea leaves to it, and began to dress himself. As he wore his pants and shaved at the same time, he attempted to send a message to Captain Black, as he figured that the god forsaken woman would be nucking around at his absence. That was his idea of her, at least. His communique entailed a half truth that he was ready and in the barracks, as well as his apologies of not being on the Bridge. She'd probably find out that he wasn't being honest, but hell if he wasn't going to push that trouble as far into the future as he could. Of course, last night had been quite unexciting. He'd finished his patrol, and gone back to his office to do more paperwork, which he promptly finished after several hours of deliberating and playing Flappy Bird on his PDA. He'd awoken later in his office, having to go and greet everyone with the proper officialism, and wait for the briefing, which had sucked most of his energy. Not that he had much in him by that time. The door opened as he was finally wearing his tie, with one of the scientists that he was more friendly with as the opener. "Getting late, again?" he quipped to the colonel, and Harry replied with his own retort "Better than what you do, destroyed-expensive-equipment-while-drunk-and-made-me-deal-with-it person.", and promptly rushed out. The scientist followed suit, and both walked quietly at a brisk pace, towards the Bridge. Harry had his work, and the doctor had his. They parted ways outside the Bridge, both of them giving each other a slight nod of recognition. They'd meet up later, but for now, he had a team to lead down to the planet. He hadn't actually gotten a true view of it, and he intended to give a glance into one of the monitors in the Bridge. The sliding door opened, and he stepped inside, snapping to attention and saluting no one in sight. "Permission to come aboard?"