[centre][i]What's wrong? Get a bit of scare out there? No problem. Have a seat and get comfortable. We'll both be Hollow before you know it. Hah hah hah hah…[/i][/centre] [i]When the light becomes weary, and the watchful eye of the sun begins to close its lid, so begins the darkest hour. In Lordran, there are no seasons. The verdant fields do not sprout through the snow. The sun does not rise again through the murky black. In Lordran, time has an end, and that end approaches quickly. Like the tinder of a fire, it can only be tended for so long before it vanishes in embers. Someone must stoke the flame, if it is at all possible. Perhaps there is still enough time... or, maybe, time is the plight. Like the sun withdrawing the day, perhaps it is destined to fade, and only dark will remain.[/i] This is a Dark Souls RP. Shocking, I know. A few things will be different, however. You will not play the Chosen Undead. In fact, there really never was a chosen undead because hundreds tried and failed, but one happened to succeed, but that's irrelevant. This is an alternate universe. The layout of Lordran is exactly the same, but some events will not occur, and others may not have occurred at all yet. The premise is that a much greater deal of time has passed before some worthy heroes made it to Lordran, and now it seems hope is lost. In Dark Souls, the narrative is tight, and every character knows their part and plays it. In this game, however, things will start to come apart, and there may be options available that were not available before. Your characters, unfortunately, do not know about the Bells of Awakening. Your character's equipment can go outside of the in game equipment; you are not limited to the in game equipment, and you are encouraged to make up armor, clothing, and weapons. Your characters may not be together at all. You can do and discover whatever you like, but you may not get a desirable end. I could go on, but the point is that you are not the Chosen Undead, and you will not be playing Dark Souls in text form. Your role in the world may be anything, and you may find its best to find a way to survive rather than save the world. Lordran, and the world, rests on your shoulders, but can you bear it? Can it even be bore? [centre][i]Well, what are you going to do? I've already decided. I don't really care; I'm simply [b]crestfallen[/b]…[/i][/centre]