Lester's gaze weaves past crew members until it lands on Kristion's odd set of eyes. He runs up the stairs toward his helmsman, "That would be good a good idea. I'd like to dock soon as possible. This ship in need of a good careening. What city are we closest to?" The captain observes his crew, conducting a mental headcount. Alexi is nowhere to be seen. Hopefully, the lass didn't drown. She's a good addition to the crew even though she has a habit of being too bull headed. He balls his hands into fists, too many crew members are missing. This serves as a reminder that they're at the sea's mercy. A few hundred men on board are nothing when compared to waves that can take out a city, or a beast that can swallow them whole. He lets out a deep breath, glad none of his officers are missing. After all, they'd be in quite the situation if Fahd died. Doctors are hard to come by, especially ones willing to join a pirate crew. He spots Mary and Kazumi, glad to see some of the crew still has their spirits up. Perhaps the young bard can sing a song later, that's sure to cheer crew members up, especially the men. Well, some of the women will enjoy it too. A knowing leer spreads across his face. It's not good for him to appear miserable. He straightens his body, "We're heading to the closest port men... and ladies of course. You can take time to mourn those lost once we reach shore. They wouldn't want everyone looking this down at sea. For now, let's entertain ourselves with song and blackjack!" Officers will have to watch people tonight, making sure they switch shifts. Lester watches the crew for a few more seconds before heading to the lower deck. He turns toward Celeste, and waves his hand toward the captain's quarters. His face is tense, "Let's talk numbers. We may have to crimp a few crooked sailors in town."