This RP, is not like many I've done. Rather, it is simply put, a mesh of influences infused into a much more over-the-top style. Realism, authenticity, all of that, doesn't exist here. Neither, does much common sense. There will be ridiculous characters, and ridiculous opponents. While we are still grounded to our world, this isn't exactly what I would call very...well, rooted to what I've done. Moreover, badassery>realism. Ridiculousness>Authenticity. There's some basis for a few things, but this isn't meant to be real. Consider the fact that there are 7"5 giants in this RP, and you realize why. Scimitar is a mercenary team in our near future, contracted for any matters that need a specialist touch. Where an SF team cannot penetrate, they come in. When a politician needs to go, they come in. When you have eight foot mechanized armor soldiers trying to breach a high-security Gulag, they come in. Scimitar views the world as a little too conventional, and when things are beyond the sanity of any force on the planet, they exist just to keep things from spilling over. They are beyond what you would normally call a sane bunch of men and women, but are what little stands between some of the most technologically advanced and well armed forces of natures nobody even hears about on the news from making the world a miserable place. Not just "terrorists". Far more sinister forces are at work, and sending Delta is no longer the solution. For an asymmetrical and superior force, you need your own mirror. This isn't an RP grounded in reality- and I want ridiculous characters. There isn't one thing- but you can have a look for yourself in what part you'd like to play in Scimitar. The RP functions around six characters, who have been provided a skeletal background for you to develop them on top of. They have different strengths and specialties- so pick wisely who you feel would best be played by you if you're interested. They will be expanded on- there's a rough description of all six to see what you'd like to pick out. I might add some more later on, to give them a better feel. -------------------- [hider=If that sounds good, click this] (Also, on the topic of women- why'd I note "those" features in some cases? Because...well, meh, fuck it. They're there.) (Some of the upgrades I'll detail when we come to them- there's a lot more on the way too.) Characters: "Light" Characters (These characters are all relatively badly armored, unable to stand in a firefight. But they have mobility and their special ranging to help, with both being stealthy and able to provide support and some assault help in different ways from different perspectives.) Antoine Marcel, Swiss (Reserved) -22 Years Old -Antoine stands at 5"10 tall, and has black hair and blue eyes. Her voice is light, more French accented, being very beautiful under her balaclava with a moderately large pair. She is skinny, but phenomenally well athletic in agility and speed. -Trained in extensive Krav Maga, and is as stealthy as they get. She can crawl in any vent, any ditch, being a veteran infiltrator and silent in most cases. Makes Ninjas look crap at their job. -She is also ridiculously good at Parkour- she moves fluidly, and is the fastest of the team. She can combine it well, and go into the highest-security compound like it's nothing, with speed and stealth. -Expert in using Wingsuits and Aerial Insertions. She can fly like a bird practically, give her the thermals and way in. -She usually only wears a skintight infiltrator suit with only very limited protection (similar to that of Sam Fisher's Tacsuit), but a hard to see silhouette and minimal friction. --Note [url=]Concept Idea[/url] -Madly in love with Bjorn- she is a bisexual, but wants to ask him out, despite the fact that Bjorn hasn't really seemed interested. -Armed with an MP5SD6 and Sig Sauer P226, and her specialist curved knife. C4 carried. __Later Upgrades: Thermoptic Cloaking, Portable Grappling Hook/Zip Line Howard Davis, American (Mohican Decent)RESERVED -29 Years Old -6"5, of direct Mohican decent (tanned skin). Usually wears warpaint and has a Mohawk under his Ghillie. -One of the best snipers alive- he can hit a nickel at 1000m, and a human head out to almost 2,200m, if not even longer. He doesn't miss. -"Tracking" Ability- he can track enemies, even without direct line of sight, so long as he picks the slightest hint up. His Mohican ancestry, combined with his talent means he can follow any enemy of any kind, be it a dog or a soldier just by using this. -Skilled Tomahawk user in both thrown and melee usage. -Can use multitudes of close-proximity defense tactics with mines- and he knows a good level of MMA and street-fighting. -Relatively unarmored- wears a Ghillie Suit (adaptive for area) and a Chest Rig. -Prefers Land-Based insertions, via ground vehicles or going on long walks to get to the sniping point. -Armed with a GM6 Lynx Anti-Material Rifle and Honey Badger SD rifle for defense. A few Claymore and APERS Mines join that for close protection. ___Some Later Upgrades: Adaptive Camoflage Ghillie, Auto-Guiding Bullets "Medium" Characters (Characters who are well armored, able to take a few rounds, but not like the Heavies. They form the assault element of fire- and they offer both a lot of firepower and mobility.) Li Chen, Chinese (RESERVED) -25 Years Old -6"1, black-haired and hazel-eyed. She is reasonably balanced in terms of her athletic ability, and usually keeps the balaclava off. She is flat-chested, and is quite pretty. -Tech Expert. She can hack drones, camera feeds, all on the fly. She has a personal recon Quadrotor UAV (capable of EMP'ing an area) on her back, and can raise anarchy with a UGV and support ahead if she has brought it in. -Trained well in MMA, in particularly Kung Fu in a more woven aggressive tactic to incapacitate. -Tactical Shield- She uses a bulletproof tactical shield when needed to provide a wide sponge of cover. She is an expert in deploying it, and it is immense- providing mobile cover. It has a built in Active-Protection system, from AT rockets and Grenades on the front as a mechanism. -Uses a FN Mk17 HAMR 7.62 LMG, with various attachments, and a AA-12 with a Drum Magazine, with a Glock 22. -Armored fairly well- she could take a few rounds if they were flying at her, though she's no bullet sponge. Suit: [url=]Click Me[/url] -Expert in Naval Insertions ___Some Future Upgrades: Tactical Forcefield (Proximity Defense), UGV Minigun/Airbursts Imran Malik, Pakistani/English (RESERVED) -31 Years Old -6"7, Quarter-Cast in color and with a good tinge of Sikh accenting, though he still sounds very English. Can sometimes be seen to wear his Turban and keep a long beard sometimes when the helmet's off, and he is very athletic and well built. -Team Leader- he commands Scimitar, though he lets the flow of combat carry on how the team want, and just makes sure that the Heavies don't start accidentally vaporizing the Lights, or if Antoine sticks several sticky C4 bundles onto Bjorn's back to just make sure that they don't blow each other to bits. But mainly to concentrate them, and keep them all in direct movement and co-ordinate fire. -Skilled in Krav Maga, and CQC with his Scimitar. -Armed with a Mk48 LMG, and an M32 MGL, as well as an M1911. A MBT LAW also sits on his back. -Armored towards the heavier end of this spectrum, Imran can stomach a few more rounds than Li. Though he's no Heavy, he is well protected when the going gets tough and he has to expose himself for a while to fire downrange. [url=]Suit[/url] >>Future Upgrades: Enemy Identification Visor, Shoulder-Mounted CQC Shotgun "Heavy" Characters: (These characters are immensely tall, strong and surprisingly clever, though in armor, are unmanueverable and unwieldy, exposing them to sneaky . They are giants- and in their Super-Heavy Armor, are nigh on impossible to take out. They use Heavy Weaponry, and though they may have a weak point such as a weakness fuel tank or an explosive ammunition supply, it's almost impossible to hit when there's an insane volume of fire emerging from them.) Bjorn Møller, Faroese/Icelandic (RESERVED) 25 Years Old -7"5, Giant. Shaven (though sometimes he has longer blonde hair), very, very well muscled and strong. He is bearded, in a very Scandinavian manner. He is incredibly handsome as what could be called an ultimate Aryan, and to women, as attractive as they get. -Walking Fear- when he opens up with the GAU-19, you don't walk in front. He is a bullet-sponge to virtually all rounds of all calibers, and it takes RPGs, or anything that's sizably enough to stop him. When he is induced, you can't stop him from charging, and he really makes a mess. -Competent in CQC combat- he is brutally violent, with a predominantly Krav Maga and brute-force approach with a Norse Axe. -Bjorn has balls, serious balls, being the stronger of the two. For temporary periods, he can charge in the armor, whilst firing and whilst holding his axe. He's a fucking badass. -Uses a GAU-19 Minigun, firing .50 cal rounds. Rounds the size of two of your fingers in width and length. Uses a giant Norse Axe as his alternate weapon to get sticky in CQC. [url=]Suit[/url] -The Suit is virtually impenetrable, unless extended RPG/AT fire hits it. The weak point is mainly the head- the right explosive or extensive bullets to the rear of the helmet may disable the visual system if hit by a big round (ie. 40mm, 12.7mm, and force the Bjorn to put the helmet up to check it or carry on without it. The ammunition rucksack is also weak at the base, where some explosive rounds sit and could be hit. -Good at Naval Insertions. -Bjorn has completely fallen for Svetlana's looks, and forms a part of the Love Triangle. Though knowing of her orientation, he would do anything and everything for her. >>Future Upgrades: "Jump" Movement System, Reactive Armor Svetlana Sakharova, Russian 23 Years Old -7"6, Giant. Big-Breasted, has a big rear and is incredibly well muscled for a female- though under the armor, she's somehow incredibly attractive, and her face has lulled many a man to find that Svetlana is no pushover. When she stands tall, most men are scared, horny, both, or dead. She prefers the latter for the former three at times. -Adaptable- out of the suit or in it, Svetlana is dangerous. She can kill men with her boobs if she likes one day, or strut around in her armor the next. Though she mostly prefers the latter, working with Antoine sometimes works well on the former. -Ovaries of Titanium- Svetlana may not charge enemies like Bjorn, but she counteracts that with something else. Against other Heavies, Svetlana can go into close-quarters combat, and disarm one, being fully capable of taking on another armored giant in hand to hand combat. -Explosives Specialist- she carries a hell of a lot of C4 on her, hidden of course to avoid her being a walking bomb. She could probably level a small country with it if placed correctly. -Armed with either a giant, two-tanked flamethrower (with weak points at the bottom of the tanks at the regulator), or a HK GMG (with her rucksack vulnerable at the bottom.) Uses a large Spetsnaz Machete as her secondary, as well as an MP412 REX. -Armored to the hilt, she fits the armor well, being impervious to small arms and even 12.7mm rounds. Can even stomach an RPG or two, if hit. One strange weakness is that repeated shots to the rear of the neckbrace knock out the HUD system, and may force her to put her visor up. [url=]Suit[/url] -She is a lesbian- and has a lust for the infiltrator of the team, Antoine, blissfully unaware that she's just another cog in the love triangle that comedically exists. >>Future Upgrades: Helium Suit, Shoulder-Mounted ATGM Launcher [/hider]