"Hey, Flagman." Orbit was going through warm up exercises, and her voice came from the floor where she was executing a handstand. Her small body was held in perfect balance. "It's something about a metahuman attack. Main Street and Grell Avenue." She started to do vertical pushups, neatly pushing herself up and down. "I'm not completely sure where that is, haven't completely gotten my bearings in the city. Give me another few days." With one final upward push, she flipped backward and neatly to her feet, looking over Thomas and his costume. "...that's a little..." She searched for a word. "Obvious, huh? I mean... no subtlety to that at all." Her lips twisted into a teasing smirk. "I haven't really read the whole dossier on all you guys, so... show me what you can do. Besides hang from a pole and wave dramatically."