Phil was practicing levitation when the alarm rang, breaking his concentration and sending him sprawling on the floor. Another day of meditation interrupted. As he raced to join his new teammates, his cape billowed out behind him. The mantle felt like a weight on his shoulders, and the helmet felt too big. These raiments that he inherited, despite all their power, made Phil feel small and weak. Unlike Zatanna, his mentor, Phil was not well versed in the occult. He was a student of ancient history, not ancient magic. He asked himself the same question that was constantly on Zatanna’s lips, even if she didn't say it out loud. Why Phillip Carter? When Phil arrived in the situation room, the techno-wiz telekinetic was teasing “Flagman”. They both looked a bit silly, and they even got to pick their costume. Personally, Philip thought the Doctor Fate costume needed a newer look, but how can you complain when you're given one of the most powerful magical artifacts? Phil silently hung to the edge of the room, watching everyone's interaction.