((Sorry, I've been really busy this week. Here it is.)) Sarnella watched through the video feed of the garage. The mouth of the ship opened, just wide enough for a krogan to fit through. The ground team launched onto the ground, and Sarnella felt the ship lurch away from the scene. She was impressed with the speediness of the deployment; she made a mental note about the pilot's capabilities. Commander Kruschov's feet hit the ground with satisfying impact. He felt the adrenaline disperse through his body, bringing up his assault rifle over his gray armored chest and immediately dispatching two cannibals. They were the slowest of the small squadron to react. "Take cover!" the commander hollered, bounding forward three steps and then diving behind a crate of cargo. The scene of deployment was like an open courtyard. There were two supply huts on either side, and an array of abandoned crates of equipment in between. Ahead of them was a tall fence armed with a security system, and beyond that, the facility itself. Dense tropical forestry popped up around the entire scene, but the grounds around the facility had been completely cleared of trees. Behind the fence and in the militia's overhanging crows nests were cannibals, dispatching shots towards the ground team. Kruschov was on his back. He scooted to the edge of his cover and risked a quick glance. It was a swift motion, leaning out and then back in, and anyone unused to the stresses of combat would not have noticed all the details he noticed in that quick stolen look. He verified that there were enemies with height advantage up in the crows nest. Their weapons were perched up high in tall towers with slanted walkways. "Get low down!" Kruschov commanded. "They have height on us. Don't let your head pop over cover!" He had also seen a firing line of enemies, perhaps cannibals, on the other side of the fence. Their suppressing fire was unrelenting.