[B] Big brother, outside Babylon [/b] The tiny gyros through out his body let his navigation systems know that big brother was keeping them steady. His optical sensors took in every detail as he began his link up. His audio sensors had been internally adjusted to dampen the incredibly loud Aircraft, and explosions that were taking place all around him. He had been evading the sand pirates for exactly 27 minutes and 34 seconds. And Big brother ran out of places to lose them in. The optical link was up, a small cable ran from the base of its skull to the rifle he layed prone with. He had clear sight of the pirates now, including top down view of their current location. He could zoom in or zoom out as much as he wanted. With a link to a satellite he was like what organics referred to as god. He adjusted for wind, speed, height difference, and predicted location. He squeezed slowly as he ran the calculations up until the projectile escaped the barrel. His body moved slightly from the massive electromagnetic discharge. The bullet flew at incredible speeds, so fast that it almost didn't register inside his processing unit [I]Almost[/I]. The gunship behind them veered off, a hole the size of a grape fruit in the windscreen. There was no more pilot. The other three ships soon followed suit, as he adjusted and fired almost immediately after each shot. His synthetic brain could calculate everything he needed within 1/10th of a second. Too slow by his standards. Each ship would list off and explode upon the ground in a firey display. The time elapsed was 27 minutes 39 seconds. He canceled his link to the BESC satellite, and recovered his grear. He placed the hand of god into its proper storage container before flipping up the "Ramp up" lever. He turned to walk to the cockpit before he heard a child's laugh. It had him haulted. He looked around, his audio sensors readjusting. "Danny?" His voice very scratchy, unlike other robotics he didn't originally have a voice modual. There was no call back, and with that he continued forward. He stepped over a deceased member of the crew he belonged too. After Danny had died, Sid deemed all crew members non-essential save for Big Brother. He eased himself into the cockpit, allowing big brother to direct them towards the city. Days earlier he had been awakend, or maybe he had been all along. He felt no different, just that with out Danny he had no reason to be. Yet he was will operational. With this in processor, he decided to continue their work, no clear ultimate goal. [B] Several hours later [/b] BigBrother finally could see the outskirts of babylon. It adjusted altitude so that it matched the skylanes, it looked out of place with scorch marks, and sand stripped paint. It pinged Sid who was deep in his programming to notice the scenery. [I]"Crewman Sid, Crewman Sid. Approaching Dragon's Lair"[/I] The gentle tone of big brother throbbed through out the cockpit mainly inside of the ICS ( interior communication system ) that sid was plugged in. He didn't understand why BigBrother Had been programmed to say such things. He didn't even know what a dragon was. Something he needed to add to his list of things to research. He closed out the program he was fixing, it happened to be his own "awareness" patch. Which allowed him to navigate through crowded or compact locations, but also general locations such as.. The ship. He allowed the patch to download before standing up, going down the ladder, he pulled his cloak from the shellf, and grabbed Harbinger hiding it under his clothing. He flipped the hood up, and waited at the cargo door. The patch had taken several hours more to download now they were deep in the lair. His purpose was information solely, he needed new contracts and who better to get contracts than one of the local organics, in Dragons Layer, or Babylon as most call it. BigBrother passed over what seemed to be a large firefight. He used his optical zoom to inspect, surely enough a gunship was blasting away at a building. There were small arms return fire as the resistance tried to futility fight back. [I]"BigBrother, scan comunicstions, find me their leader and quick I want a direct line to my audio."[/I] BigBrother patched into the Taliga's cuiser with illegal technology that had been traded for information on SandShips locations but not before allowing Sid in on what was happenin currently but no information on before events. Soon a voice emitted from their cruisers speakers. [I]"Organic Overseer, You are in need of assistance. I will do so for Equipment, information and future contracts."[/I]