[img=http://www.vokrug.tv/pic/product/0/3/0/8/medium_030815083823dd022a9b1261571352ca.jpeg] -Name- Rupert John Oldenburg -Title- The Most Noble Rupert Oldenburg, Lord of Denmark, Earl of Essex, and Duke of Schleswig and Holstein. -Age- 32 -Bio/Personality- Rupert was born at St. James Palace in London. He was the eldest son of Prince John of Denmark, and his first wife Princess Christine of England. His mother was the elder sister of the late King Charles, making Rupert his only surviving nephew, and one of King Edward II first cousins. Sadly his mother died two days after giving birth to his second youngest sister, Lady Edith Oldenburg, when Rupert was only nine years old. His father remarried when he was ten, to a Lady Sophia. A rather uptight, and stoic woman. After his father’s remarriage, his new stepmother went on to take control of the household. Of his fathers seven children he had his first wife, only three survived past infancy, his oldest son, Rupert, and two youngest daughters, [url=http://asilikeittobe.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/jane-seymour-turqoise-dress.jpeg]Lady Wilhelmina[/url], and [url=http://www.cinemaseries.es/wp-content/gallery/the-white-queen-bbc1/the_white_queen_bbc_one_starz_13.jpg]Lady Edith[/url]. His second wife brought her two children from her previous marriage with her, a sadistic son named [url=http://dudaamorim.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/tumblr_m70ajmlcqR1qa5f6co1_500.jpg]Hedwig[/url], and a spoiled daughter named [url=http://deecrowseer.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/twqueen-ah01.jpg]Augusta[/url]. Rupert stepmother had him and his younger sisters sent to live in separate households, ‘for their education, and well-being.’ She would claim to their father, but really she just didn't want his first wife’s children in the picture, and she was not a fan of English people in general. So from the age of 10 to 16 Rupert was raised, by his godfather in England, where he met his younger cousins. He and his cousin Edward the future king became best friends in there youth. He received military training, and undertook a grand tour of Europe spending several months in France, Spain, and Italy. Of course when Edward started his excursions and campaign in France, Rupert was right there beside him, leaving his new Italian wife pregnant in England. His wife Lady Teresa of Modena, was a beauty, but over-emotional and rather ignorant about the world, she also spoke hardly any English. A loveless but beneficial marriage to the English, that had been personally suggested to Rupert by his uncle King Charles. Over the next few years of their short marriage she bore him two daughters. Rupert Returned to England for a short stay, to see his Sister Wilhelmina marry. Finding his wife pregnant, with what could not possibly be his child, seeing as he had been gone for months. She was confined to the tower of London, where she was questions and tortured several times until she confessed to her secret love with one of her servants, and that the unborn child was his. She was also questioned, about her two other children's legitimacy, and if they were even Rupert's. And she swore that they were Rupert's children till the very end. The Servant was hanged, and Lady Teresa was proclaimed guilty of adultery, and treason. After Giving birth to a son, she was locked in the tower for three months, and then beheaded for her crimes. The baby boy was sent to a convent, and Rupert's two young daughters [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/2d/a1/a2/2da1a2c8d4c674bc61c26dbb6d278edd.jpg]Margaret[/url], and [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2f/31/ea/2f31eab338725c7d6f9fce5adcbb61b9.jpg]Georgia[/url], were sent to live in Denmark with their great Aunt. Rupert's father died from smallpox, while Rupert was in France fighting alongside Edward. With the news of his fathers passing he made his way back to England again, at the age of 27 for the funeral, and he gained his inheritance, becoming the second most wealthiest man in Europe. He stayed in England after his fathers Death for the next two years, marrying his second wife, Maud of Ireland. Their loved blossomed and, she gave birth to a daughter they named [url=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/da/0c/7c/da0c7ccd2362423aa18d8034f4386f20.jpg]Sarah[/url]. Sadly Maud passed away only three months later from a infection of the lungs. With the death of his second wife, he saw no reason to stay any longer in England, while Edward campaign in France. Leaving baby Sarah in the care of his sister Wilhelmina and her husband, he left for France. Now he his back, his Cousin Edward the new King of England and France. He has sent for his daughters to come back to live in his household. He is on the look out for a wife for Edward, and possibly one for himself. He thinks his youngest sister Edith is quite perfect for Edward, and thinks its a perfect match, but then again, he can remember them bickering and fighting as children.