Name: Yukimia (Mia) Artia Age: 16 almost 17 [center][img][/img][/center] Mental illness: Pyromania and Insanity Ability: Pyrokinesis: Mia has the ability to bend fire to her will which makes a major mess of things if she gets her hands on any type of fire starter Bio: Mia grew up with her mother, father, and older brother. Her family always when camping and when Mia was old enough she was allowed to start the campfire. As she grew older she started to get obsessed with starting fires. Mia when around her family, friends, or strangers she pretended to be normal and sane but when she was alone in her room she was obsessive and crazy. She was sent to the asylum after she ended up burning down her house and killing her parents and brother at the same time. She doesn't even know how the fire even happened because she had been starting up the grill in the back yard didn't have any kind of flames started in her room.