Jade was startled when Otto reached over her. She sucked in her breath not daring to breath. Once she under stood what he was doing she relieved a puffed out sigh. The strap from the belt hurt, from being yanked into her, when Otto hit on the breaks. Tristan’s entire body lurched forward. Hitting his head on the car, we winced and clenched his teeth. He wanted to shout at Otto, he could have gotten killed, however the guy shouted first. “I don’t have a scratch on me fucker. “ He wanted to say more but knew better. It would not help, one; he had nothing to protect himself with if Johnny boy went off the handle, two; why fight more fights when there was a bigger one right outside this very car.[i] Otto I hope you saving us is all I have in common with this dick.[/i] Tristan screamed inside his mind. Jade tried to ignore the young man instead she looked at Otto and gave him a thank you smile. She felt too scared to speak in front of Johnny. Something was wrong with him or maybe she just felt that way because of how their first meeting went. Whatever it was it did not matter she just wanted to stay away from him. She wanted to be close to someone to feel confront. Tristan was in the back and Otto was driving, even though she only just met him he felt save most likely because he helped save her, all she had was the cold window. She scooted as close as she could and placed her head on the window. Jade lifted her head slightly to listen to what Johnny said about the radio. [i]What did it matter it was all just so.[/i] She stopped her thought and put her head down again. Her eyes felt heavy and worn out she slowly drifted to sleep.