Without a moment of hesitation, the mecha continued the swing of it's tail upwards, bringing Erde, who had managed to cling on to it like an insect, up to head level, 'standing' toe to toe with Genocide himself, who was well out of sight behind several feet of thick armor plating and layers upon layers with wires. 50 feet away from the snarling teeth of the Hellhound. Numerous digital eyes and sensors were locked on the elemental, Genocide wasted no time, and slammed his fist down on a big red button as the elemental was brought before him. The energy cannon was fully charged. Perfect timing. The battlefield was lit up with a bright light, a thick beam of red swirling energy gushed out of Hellhound's gaping maw, tearing through it's teeth without warning. It was 30 feet wide, perfectly round, and traveled in a straight line. Likely going 'through' Erde, and slamming into the city with blinding speed. Only after it had penetrated several miles down into the ground in an instant, did the sound of it firing emit, like a thunderclap following a lightning strike. Erde was it's primary target, but it emitted for a few seconds, and Genocide wanted to extinguish a secondary target that had presented itself not too far from his position. He hadn't identified it, but it was radiating a bright light that was next to impossible not to notice. The beam itself would continue for 2-3 seconds more, so he used the opportunity to pull the beam down onto Ysolda, phasing her body out of existence if she was hit directly. And for good measure, Genocide also let go the remaining missile tubes, and showered both the previous city targets once more with missiles, making sure to include Ysolda's position in the radius, but not his own. 1200 explosive spears of death shot up, and descended down upon whatever survivors still drew breath within the ruins of the broken city. Compared to the time he fought at Snek, this was a god damn training mission.