Sebastian sat in the car, grabbing the fabric of his shirt to try and alleviate the shaking in his hands."...Do you....really think this is the right thing to do...?" His words were barely audible, his quiet voice facing the window. "Don't you trust me? Of course I do. You'll get time to calm down, and in turn your spirits will be less restless." His mentor explained, "You'll be fine, I promise." "....Okay." He wanted to argue but didn't feel he really had a say in the matter, at this point. They pulled up to the hospital, and there was a moment of stillness before the two got out, the younger grabbing his bags. Along with the guard, his friend escorted him to the door. "Goodbye, Sebastian." "...Yeah." He felt more and more insecure as his friend walked away, being escorted inside. Once left to his own he did nothing, just continued standing in the center of his room. This was a new, unfamiliar and frightening place. He would have to get used to the layout of the entire building, while worrying about any stray spirits in the meantime.