Ron made his way through to the main hall just in time to see, Thomas send an electric clap towards a punching bag. He looked to the rest of the group, they were awfully mismatched. Ron felt like he was more of an abundance to the team at that present moment, he didn't understand most of the equipment they were using let alone the ones they weren't. Heck, he had only recently discovered the fact that they had sent someone to the moon, he didn't quite understand how they breathed up there until someone explained that most people didn't either, and just assumed their suits done the breathing for the astronauts. He was more concerned about the costs that the group would be expending rather than the mission at hand. They had already blown up a punching bag and unhooked the fridge from the wall, who knows what else they would do. He spoke to agree with the third woman to enter the room. "Yeah, I'd rather head on out or at least find out what kind of Hot-Rod I'll be driving" He joked. He hoped the slang he had used was still current, although he doubted it. He had become quite anxious and self aware recently, thinking a lot more about if people would think he was some sort of joker for the phrases and slang he used.