The sun rises from the east, casting it’s glow across the tiny speck of a town far below. The small coastal town of Ashenport and it’s residents just waking from it’s slumber. Neither have have no idea of the horrors that await them. But what is to come, will come later. For now, people wake up, getting ready to begin their day. A cool chill fills the air, as a light breeze blows across the sea. The salty smell of the ocean drifts across the port, and a few white dots on the horizon call out, revealing themselves to be one of the worlds most annoying birds: seagulls. The town is peaceful. The town is at rest. But soon, very soon, Ashenport will become an endless nightmare. This peaceful day will be the last memories for some, and the last [i]good[/i] memories for others. Some will cling to this day just to keep their sanity in check, to remind themselves that once upon a time they were happy, they didn’t have to live in fear, that their world didn’t revolve around death and destruction. Some will cling to the memory of one day when blood didn’t fill the streets and darkness wasn’t seemingly eternal. Hope. That’s what it boils down to. Those who survive to see the hellish transformation of Ashenport, will cling to an ever dying hope that things will return to normal. And who knows if they will; perhaps darkness will consume first this tiny insignificant port town in the middle of nowhere, and spread beyond? Or, perhaps the shadows will lift, and Ashenport will return to the peaceful serene place it is now. Only time will tell--and the decisions those who find themselves facing the darkness, make.