Nya nodded to Morrin's response. The Jedi was right, their foes must not get close to the temple. While she didn't know too much about holocrons, she recalled them being databanks for the force sensitives. If they do indeed contain ancient knowledge, as Morrin had mentioned, they would give the CIS a significant tactical advantage, something the Republic could not afford to give. "Lieutenant commander," an officer appeared beside Nya. "We spotted seperatist shock troops and dark jedis on our outer perimeter, they are attacking our AA batteries." "How are we holding up there?" Nya questioned, she motioned for several other security officers and Morrin to gather around a makeshift holotable. The table quickly lit up with a blue map, representing the temple district, which was defended by an outer perimeter of 4 AA guns and a inner perimeter of 2 more AA guns. The outer defense, a combination of clone shock troopers, alpha patrol, and jedi knights was under heavy attack from what appeared to be elite commandos and dark jedis. The defenders were losing ground, and within a few minutes, 2 batteries were destroyed. "Bravo actual," a voice came from the comms. It was the Jedi leading alpha patrol. "They took out battery 1 and 2, we're being routed and need reinforcements!" "Hold on, alpha actual," Nya responded, the map in front of her now displayed alpha and the clones being surrounded, from all sides, enemies closed in to the batteries. "Gah, no time," alpha commander's coarse voice blasted through the speaker. "My padawan and I are the only ones left, we're done anyways, save you strength." There were only two friendlies on the outer sections now, and beyond them, waves of hostile contacts. Nya knew her allies stood little chance, but she cannot abandon her comrades. Alpha's position was not far away, if alpha actual can hold his position for a few more minutes, she can reinforce them via air. "Charlie 3," Nya switched to another channel, this time, the only transport unit under her command. Charlie operated [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Variable_Altitude_Assault_Transport/enforcement]VAAT/e gunships[/url], charlie 3 had two of these aircrafts at her staging area. "I need you to prepare 2 transports, we're going to counterattack." With the gunships, she could transport around 2 squads to the front, led by herself. The jedi Morrin Vulkas, with his force skills, could also come along and help her against dark jedis. "Ok, bravo 1, time for a little field trip," She commanded her squad. Turning to the Togorian, she pointed to the gunships. "We could use your help up there, after all, the best defense is a good offense."