[center][b]Name[/b] Jitters [b]Age[/b] Three-Hundred-and-Seventy-Six [b]Appearance[/b] The mighty undead stands at the ridiculous height of six-foot-seven-inches, its ancient bones thick and powerful. Its bones are completely bare, the flesh long since rotted away, leaving a yellow-brown skeleton in its wake. Its body is clad in thick, dull steel armor, covering all but his skull. Over the armor are several furs and hides, the most notable being the skinned hide of a bear latched onto him like a cloak. Despite its age, the skull seems to be in good condition, the only oddity on it being the yellow-brown color. Even the teeth seem to be in perfect shape. A slight, light blue glow emanates from its eye sockets. Often, a half mask will be pulled over the lower half of its skull, while a horned helmet will cover the rest of its head. [b]Style/Levels[/b] [u]Axe Mastery[/u] [i]Etra - Decay[/i] - Jitters powers its axe with the strength of death, causing an aura of rot to form around it. The blade, while it may not penetrate its enemies' armor, it will cause it rust or rot away over a period of time. (Aura surrounds both blades, and lasts until a hit connects with an object. Only good for one hit, cannot be used in quick succession.) [i]Etra - Frozen Heart[/i] - The blades of the axe are covered in the cold touch of death, causing them to freeze over. The blade will be blunted, but the range will increase, along with adding a slowing effect to anything it hits. (Blade length increased by a minor increment, blunt effect. Lasts for three connecting strikes.) [i]Etra - Hunger[/i] - The blade of the axe is imbued with the hunger of the dead, and will sap the life from an enemy, healing any cracked or broken bones Jitters may have sustained. (Can only work if the enemy is unarmored or in leathers. Lasts for a single hit.) [i]Etra - Bloody Blade[/i] - The blade of the axe rips and tears at the enemy's flesh, causing them to bleed profusely. (The enemy will bleed out if the wound is not treated quickly. Effect on blade lasts until contact has been made. Only works on unarmored or lightly armored enemies.) [i]Etra - Crumble[/i] - Jitters raises its axe high and arcs it down, intending to crumple its enemy's defense or to shatter their bones. (Instant effect, can be dodged. Most effective on heavily armored targets.) [b]Weapons[/b] Daisycutter - A large battleaxe, the shaft made of a thick iron, with a length of four feet. It has two blades, one on each side, made of a similar metal to the shaft. They extend eight inches from the shaft, while their length is a total of one foot, extending four inches below the top of the shaft and eight inches above. The lower half of the shaft is covered in a thick, brown leather grip. It looks no more special than the average battleaxe. [b]Personality[/b] The skeleton is not the most talkative. Really, it rarely talks; the few times a noise does escape it, it's a savage shout or a gurgling laugh. As such, there hasn't really been room for it to develop a personality beyond that of terrorizing the occasional caravan for its own amusement. This does not mean it is cruel or sadistic - the only time it kills is when it is attacked first - or when it sees others in danger. It has been noticed to have a sort of soft spot for women, and has gone out of its way to make sure they do not come to harm... even if it does cause it to throw itself into harm's way, and anger more than a few villages. [b]History[/b] The undead terror known as Jitters has been spoken of in hushed tones for nearly a century now. The creature has been raiding caravans, destroying goods, and leaving the owners in a wrecked, terrified state for a long time, though has never been caught due to its nomadic nature. However, amongst its destructive deeds, it has been noted to have raided bandit camps. The most recent endeavor heard of Jitters was two decades ago, in the remote village of Tareth. It was far away from most civilization, and as such had only a small populace, and no guard. It sustained itself on farming for substance, rather than profit. Unfortunately, this made it a prime candidate for bandits. A particularly violent clan of raiders took to "protecting" the village, the horde coming by every few days to collect the food as tribute to their leader, while leaving a small "guard" behind before running back into the forest. One fateful day, Jitters entered the town. The bandits, they did not take kindly to strangers. When told to pay a toll to enter the village, the undead, rather than pay, cleaved their skulls open. The nearby villagers scattered into their homes as the creature strolled into the middle of town, blood dripping from its blade. When it entered, it may a beeline for the tavern. The door was kicked clean off of its hinges, and its boots stamped heavily against the floorboards. Its head turned around, scanning over the stunned occupants, until it rested on a pair of men that seemed to be trying to have their way with a woman. It may its way towards them, long, slow steps carrying it all the way. Once it arrived, it raised the axe high and cleaved the table they were sitting behind in half. causing the woman to shriek and the men to flee, running and shouting for their dead comrades. It stayed in the village for several days, guarding the woman, hardly leaving her side. She, nor the other villagers, appreciated the effort, but did not try to stop it. Days passed, and the bandits returned, angry as ever. The villagers were quick to point the blame at the woman and her "savior". The five that were sent moved to attack them, but their wooden clubs and dull swords bounced off of the creature. With prejudice, they were dispatched, their blood repainting the walls of the woman's home. A week passed without incident. And then, seemingly from the blue, the rest of the bandits charged into the village, screaming for blood, waving torches and crude weapons around. Their leader was at the head, riding a snarling hog, throwing torches onto the roofs of houses. Jitters did not take kindly to the insult. It charged through their ranks, ignoring the grunts, and imbedded its axe right into the skull of the hog. The leader roared his anger and leapt off, intending to land on the skeleton. His efforts rewarded with being caught and thrown to the ground, where a thick metal boot met his skull, splattering blood and bone across the the ground. The bandits scattered without their leader, but the damage was done. By nightfall, the village had been burnt to the ground, the inhabitants either dead or run off. The creature knelt in the ashes for days, staring down at the remains of the woman. After that, it disappeared for years, only to reappear on the side of the road, where it joined the party. [b]Why are you on this journey?[/b] To protect the girl, in recompense for the women he could not save. [b]Miscellaneous[/b] A thick, golden ring is on his left hand, the name "Daisy" intricately carved on it.[/center] [Hider=Relationships]Celosia: "If the others so much as touch her, they'll lose more than just their fingers." Sin: "This one is cautious. Secretive. I do not trust it at all. It will need to be watched." Zico: "It reminds me too much of... him. But so long as she does not order it, it is allowed to live. For now." Tyrell: "Little sneak thief touches her ring and it will never touch anything again." Nathimys: "Silly, fickle one. Admire its tenacity, and its healing capabilities. Don't trust it, though." Joscelin: "Think it might try to kill me in my sleep. Happy thing, though. Also strong. Suppose those are good enough." Freya: "I like its mask. Curious little thing. Should get to know this one. Seems interesting." Jythrel: "The old one seems the most tolerable of the group. Perhaps it will not earn my ire as the others might." Leon: "A very capable one. Though it seems to be hiding something with its happiness. Wonder what that could be." Mayaquen: "Odd little one. I do not like it, but I guess it will not be an issue to keep it around." Ava: "I want to make it... Happy." Atalee: "There are no gods, only Death. It should be taught that, before it disappoints itself."[/hider]